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Need Skilled Mesh Editor for Bug Fixes


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So, I've recently been trying to fix up the open-fingered gauntlets in the game to be more consistent with the "naked" hand meshes and part of this process has meant adding first person models (using first person hand meshes) where they did not exist before. While doing so, I've run into an issue that is not only present in these modifications, but is currently a problem with the fur bracers in the game, and which has not been fixed to my knowledge as of yet. The common problem that exists in both the fur bracers as well as the new first person meshes of several other gauntlets is that when animated, the gauntlet mesh does not properly align with the visible hand mesh causing clipping. In the case of the fur bracers, this problem exists for both male and females as well as 1st person and 3rd person (see screenshots below). After attempting several times to correct the issue myself and failing, I'm looking to enlist the aid of those who might know better in order to fix a persistent mesh issue in the game, as well as improvements to the gauntlet meshes. Please let me know if you are interested in helping to fix this issue. Thanks.


This is the vanilla fur bracer in 3rd person:


As you can see, clipping occurs where the fur bracer is bent in a manner inconsistent with the hand mesh.


This is the vanilla fur bracer in 1st person:


And the same is true here, where the gauntlet mesh is at odds with the hand mesh creating some nasty clipping.

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Unfortunately I have 3dsMax 2013 and no working import/export plugin ATM... you need to find a modder with a fully working animation-fix setup environment to assist you.

I'm afraid here the problem is with the low-poly 3D model of the gauntlet itself not wrapping correctly around high-poly hands model:




As you can see the gauntlet has just a few triangles and thus bends incorrectly around the fingers on the hands model...

Edited by rolloLG
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Uhm, weird... But this happens vanilla, right? Never noticed this glitch ingame.

I suggest ignore it and just complete the work on other open gloves, then I will see if I can fix this thing.

Edited by Derok
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I agree, it's a low poly mesh and can't curve around the fingers properly when they curl. The vertices at the tip of the mitt are being stretched too far.


I started by moving those vertices at the tip of the mitt to even them out overtop the four fingers and pushed them up a little bit away from the bones at the fingertips and reskinned, but those vertices still stretched and clipped.

These are the finger bones starting from the right hand out to the finger tips:

Index: RF10, RF11, RF12 (tip)
Middle: RF20, RF21, RF22 (tip)
Ring: RF30, RF31, RF32 (tip)
Pinky: RF40, RF41, RF42 (tip)

Since it's a low poly mesh and just a handful of vertices near each finger, I used Abs.Effect to modify the bone weighting.
Removed the weightings from the tip bones and reduced the weighting on the mid knuckle bones. So that now those vertices are being affected mostly by the knuckle bones closest to the hand (RF10, RF20, RF30 and RF40). Depending on the location, some of those vertices are shared between the index and middle finger, middle finger and ring finger etc. After fussing with it about 20 minutes or so, this is how it looks so far.



A little better but could probably use some more tweaking. This is just one method, there's many ways to skin a mesh. Maybe move the vertices some more and skin to a glove instead of the hands. Or msmooth some the vertices of the mitt and reskin, it might take a bit more playing around with it to see what works best.



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