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Resistances, i need help :)


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if i have 100% resist magic, would that be the same as 100% resist in all of these? frost / fire / shock? and if nott, wich resistant is best to go with? or shuld it be a combination of all ?


All. Because you never know what magical person or creature you might run into. Like Minotaurs, or conjurers, or Hedge Wizards at camps or even spriggans. They could summon a frost, flame, or storm atronach! They might even summon a frigen dragon! (Nott) :mage:

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Resistences work differently in Oblivion than in Morrowind, where reist magicka only applied to non-elemental effects like drain health.


In Oblivion, resist magic applies to all cast spells and effects from enchanted staffs and weapons-- any effect that consumes magicka when used. It does NOT apply to [say] damage from a fire potion or walking through a campfire.


Resist Fire does give protection from fire poisons, campfires, etc [but not lava, which actually does water damage-- the programers way of keeping you from running into the lava to escape baddies. You can greatly reduce the damage from lava via waterwalking, though.]


So resist magic helps across a wider range of circumstances, but leaves a few specific holes in your protection.


A Breton starts out with 50% magic resistence, and with another 50% from the Mundane ring becomes immune to all magicka based attacks. The Mundane ring only shows up relatively late in the game, though-- a point when most characters are basicly becoming so super that they aren't really as much fun to play.

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Should have added:


"Damage" means physical damage from weapon and creature attacks, doesn't apply to magic attacks, or the magic part of an enchanted weapon's attack.


Reflect damage doesn't apply to ranged weapons, resist does. However, some resist damage spells/effects apply only to normal weapons, not silver, mithril or daedric-- if you play as a vampire, you get resistence to 'normal' weapons only.


Oddly, it's easier to get %100 reflect than %100 resistence, though neither is available early in the game, and neither is exactly easy to acheive.

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Oh, there is, but when you buy it as a spell, its called 'strong [or legendary] spell reflection', to indicate that it doesn't apply to potions and the like. Available from Agata and Rominus Polinus [sorry, those are probably spelled wrong].


Though you can find items with it pre-enchanted,[when it's usually called 'reflect magic', it isn't available to the player at the enchanting altar...

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