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Stardew Valley

Current Event: 35010 - GLITCH ? - Trapped by Mailbox


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I've been playing the game for a while and I'm currently in Spring, Year 3.


There's an event popping up when I enter Pelican Town, where I start walking towards Pam's trailer and get trapped by the mailbox. My character keeps walking, there's no button to skip the event and apparently I can't proceed. I'm not sure which mod could be causing it, that's why I'm posting it here.

Here's the log.





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This sounds like event incompatibility with a map change, which is a common case.

I see you're using Event Repeater.. so you can use the Emergency Skip keybind

Simply press Left Alt + S to force a skip. It will consider the event seen.

Or when you get stuck, you can press Left CTRL + S to create an event Dump and place it in a pastebin or something for me to look at :3

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Hiroshi and Razolyn are not made to work in anything aside from vanilla maps. The issue us that you use SVE. I've no intention of making Hiroshi work on that. Not that I have anything against it, I just don't use it and don't want to install SVE just so I can see what's going on lol.

So... not really a glitch.. just incompatible.

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