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Minigun Ammopack to Backpack?


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I love Blackwolf's Backpack, but I have a problem. You see, that pack is great for combat armor or any other cloth clothing set, but not for PA. It just doesn't look right. However, the ammo pack from the minigun is made of metal and looks quite industrial. Blackwolf's pack also removes the BoS emblem from the armor when you put it on. That is very frustrating.


So I was wondering if a functional backpack (weight+40 or something) could be made from it. By it I mean the Ammo backpack from the minigun.


I would be willing to make it myself too. In my naive view it should be easy, right? The resources are already in game. I hope. But I don't know what programs or tools I would need to make it. If someone could do this for me, or point me in the direction of a well done tutorial I would be really appreciative.





My ultimate goal would be to modify it slightly. I wouldn't make it extend so far back off the body. I would make it flatter, and change the writing on the side. Maybe add a unique version belonging to Knight Gallows and add BoS writing to it. He does work in the wastes, apparently, and might need to bring some stuff for his journeys.

I think it would look great with Enclave, T-4x, and Hellfire PAs. The outcast's long range patrols would look more self-sufficient too.

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Well, if you wan't to do it yourself just make a copy of one of the backpacks and change it's model and textures to the minigun ammo backpack's.


The tools you'll be needing are:


- Nifskope (If you wan't to modify the meshes and change texture paths)


- The G.E.C.K. (To create the backpack and put it in-game)


- Fallout Mod Manager (Optional) (It has a tool that unpacks .bsa files, which have the textures and the meshes, so you can work with them).


If you are willing to wait I can post a tutorial with pictures tomorow perhaps xP

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