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ARGH! Eydis fire-eye is messed up!

Crim, The Red Thunder

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SO, my questions are, is this fixable (Most important), and what caused it in the first place. (not as important, but i want to know.)


I started the quest, saved, exited, came back the next day, and finished killing the rats. topic 'cave rats' worked fine with the 'woman with a thing for pillows' but when i RETURNED to fire-eye, i had a problem. He asked how i was doing with those cave rats, but cave rats was yellow, instead of blue, and clicking on it no longer activates the topic. Lo and behold, it was gone! Still there with the pillow woman, talked to her about cave rats (again), and went back. Eydis won't let me finish the quest... (he must not like me...)


so using the console or some other tool (short of starting a new game... not an option at this point!) that could fix this?

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The chances are that if it's screwed up, it's screwed by a mod that you are playing but don't for the life of me ask which one. (BTW surely Eydis Fire-Eye is a she!)


However I don't think you need to talk to Eydis about cave rats a second time. You kill the rats and talk to the woman who lives in the house so she gives you the reward. Then go and talk to Fire-Eye about duties, she should give you the Shulk Egg Mine quest.


If that fails you could try opening the console and typing addtopic"shulk egg mine".


Let us know how you get on.

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She... (oops... guess my character is a bit gender-biased... ladies dont wear armor... :rolleyes: seriously, i just forgot...)


AS for the topic, I went back and claimed my reward again (i didn't save when he wouldn't give topic) but this time, it worked. Don't know what went wrong, but i don't think i got the reward before... my memory's real foggy after 48 consecutive hours of morrowind... i feel like an utter heel, starting this topic for nothing...



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