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Horse as pet ride


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Is it possible to make a mod who add an horse in game?

An horse you could get with a quest or hidden in a secret place.

There is the bike mod already but i think it could be good for player who wan something more alive.

Wasteland is kinda like a western so it could be like in the movie "the postman" with Kevin Cosner


I m thinking about another mod like wasteland traveller with npc who travel with herd of cows or horses


sry for my poor english

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u mean like the horse in oblivion? its not easy y'know, first theres the mesh creation ( we cant use the horse from oblivion) , then we have textures, then Animations, and last but (definetly) not least theres scripting. sooo.... i cant do this
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I ve never played Oblivion but i saw vid on you tube and yes it could be like that but with some stuff on it like the bramhin who are carrying stuff for merchant in wasteland.

I know nothing about modding so i really dont know if its hard to make.

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