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Snow Sabre Cat Skins


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I am making a new race based on the Khajiit race (looks like man in the face) but I want to change the skin too the Sabre Cat in skyrim the Snow Sabre Cat be precious. I am wondering if anyone now how to do this in Creation or has the skin for it I can use. You will be given credit for the skin and such.

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If you're literally talking about using the sabre cat texture on your new race, it's not going to be an easy fix with the creation kit unless you get REAL lucky. Every texture is UV mapped to the mesh, so if you just changed the textureset from the khajit skin to the sabre cat skin, it's more than likely not going to line up good at all and you'll probably have big blank spots with no textures that will show up funny in game.


What you would have to do is create a new texture manually in gimp or photoshop and then you could probably cut and paste the snow cat texture to fit the UV map for the khajit skin, but depending on sizes and how the stripes line up, etc. you might have to do a lot more creative editing with the texture to make it work.


It's possible to take a large generic texture, like say a stone texture from a big landscape piece and just link it to say.... a frost thrall and it will look like a stone thrall, but that's because the texture for the landscape is so big and the seams are so generic that it just sortof fills in on a thrall, but for something like a human mesh and a sabrecat mesh, there are too many details and limbs for anything that easy to work.

Edited by Fistandilius
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I figured it wouldn't be easy just cuious of someone would help or already have one that I can use. credit be given and such. but guess not hmmmmm kinda weird though but who nows the race doesn't even show up in game yet. fixing that first then probably on to this issue.

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I figured it wouldn't be easy just cuious of someone would help or already have one that I can use. credit be given and such. but guess not hmmmmm kinda weird though but who nows the race doesn't even show up in game yet. fixing that first then probably on to this issue.


You're not going to get anyone to help you without first disclosing how your mod works. Are you using the stock Khajit skin? The human skin? Is it one of those weird morph races that uses bits of both?


These are things that are necessary to know to get it done, and if it's using a combination of both then that would make it at least twice as hard because you'd have to change bits of both skin textures and get them to line up.

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