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the pick-axe (multi tool)


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so yeah i love crafting but i hate having to lug around a pickaxe and a wood axe. i know theres mods out there which let you conjure bound versions, change their weight, or my favorite blast ore out of the rocks with fire spells but i'd like to propose something different. as some WoW players might know there is an item in world of warcraft called a hammer pick i believe. it serves as both a hammer and a pickaxe which allows you to blacksmith and mine with just one item. obviously you don't need blacksmith hammers in skyrim but we do still need a pick axe and occasionally we also have need of a wood axe. is it possible to combine the two into a new item that serves both functions? maybe make it craftable or something? that way i won't have to carry around two heavy tools and can just carry one. this is particularly helpful for anyone who uses frostfall since you need a wood axe early on to build fires quickly and i don't think anyone likes to pick between a wood axe or a pick axe when dying of exposure is a concern.

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