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Quest item weight


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I've been looking for a couple of hours now for a mod or a "How-To" guide to change the weights of quest items and can't find anything on those items.


I have become so aggravated by how so many items that become bound to your inventory as soon as you pick them up, because they are part of a quest line. They weigh so much and take up a large amount of my carry capacity, but can't do anything about it unless I finish the quest associated with that item. For example I have all three of the elder scrolls that you use throughout the game in my inventory. Each weighs 20 units for a total 60. These scrolls have not unbound themselves even after I finished the quests for them, so now I seem to be stuck with them.


Also I have several "quest" items that I have no idea what quest they belong to. I can only guess they belong to some of the many many "misc. quests" that I haven't done yet. All in all out of the 300 units of carrying capacity in the game about a third or more is crap I can't drop.


Please somebody help me free up my inventory space from all this useless yet "required" clutter.

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