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Difficult, Enduring, & Masochistic Gameplay?


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@ArtMurder - I have almost the same setup as you, but the difference being I use SkyRe. I also have Locational Damage, RND, Frostfall, etc. Doesn't SkyRe also have that deleveler? Well it's sort of a different approach anyhow. It's the SkyRe Encounter Zone module. Basically it puts a minimum level on a certain area, and some areas pretty high, meaning like Requiem, some areas are inaccessible to you at low levels because it's physically impossible for you to beat it.

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@ArtMurder - I have almost the same setup as you, but the difference being I use SkyRe. I also have Locational Damage, RND, Frostfall, etc. Doesn't SkyRe also have that deleveler? Well it's sort of a different approach anyhow. It's the SkyRe Encounter Zone module. Basically it puts a minimum level on a certain area, and some areas pretty high, meaning like Requiem, some areas are inaccessible to you at low levels because it's physically impossible for you to beat it.


Yeah. I was about to say the same thing. Speaking on behalf of the perks module though: Perks are actually one of the more primary reasons why I decided to use SkyRe in the first place. The overhaul for that facet of the game is incredibly huge and surprisingly versatile. It brings out the idea of specialization at a much grander stage. I do enjoy leveling up; and being able to use your perk points to gain an ability you weren't able to use in the past. Many times an ability in which I can introduce new strategies into my game. I can see why this would make the game easier; bringing new tactics and ideas into play; and just being a more powerful character overall-- But I still find the game massively difficult. I'm just able to take out certain enemies through different manners. Rather than going full warrior, thief, or mage -- I tend to go somewhere in between two and maybe even all three. Hence why I enjoy bringing in multiple tactics into consideration prior to a battle. The more versatile and meaningful perk additions or changes; it just adds to this element of gameplay.


Also. I can't believe I forgot to mention Locational Damage in my original post. It's definitely one I use and that should be use for these type of setups. Only thing I do for that mod is turn off locational damage for Draugrs. As I don't think a headshots should be taking them down. Thanks for also mentioning your mod baloo42; it's an interesting mechanic and reminds me of certain board games I played in the past (primarily war hammer).

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I admire your courage. SkyRe is hands down my favorite mod for Skyrim. To answer your question, I think YES it certainly makes the game more difficult, especially at lower levels because damage output is increased so much (and for someone like me, who doesn't have the patience to stick with one play-through past level 40, this is a constant fact of life for me).


I thought your comment about mage builds being impossible without a follower was interesting, but I'd have to disagree. My current build is a Altmer Pyromancer, I think about level 27. I spent some time power-leveling my alteration (very quick with Arcane Dynamo, added by SkyRe; about 20 minutes with Mage Stone to get to level 60), and I took some perks, and now my Oakflesh gives me a little over 300 armor rating. Combine this with the fact that most wards don't break, and even with a mid-level mage, you're pretty well protected.

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Here is my current setup on difficulty;


(Increasing NPC/Monster difficulty)

Duel - Combat Realism Hardcore Edition - general combat mechanic mod, uses stamina to determinee block mechanics, increased AI intelligence, other things I don't remember.

Immersive Creatures - creature variation and generally harder than vanilla creatures with custom difficulty configurations

Revenge of the Enemies - gives enemies special abilities and makes boss characters deadly

Organized Bandits of Skyrim (OBIS) - Bandit difficulty and variation

Deadly Dragons - Increase Dragon difficulty


Then for balance and survival I have

ACE - Realistic Fighting ( I like this because it grants status based on combat states, like being flat-footed when your weapons are not drawn)

Frostfall - You should know what this is, I play on hardcore setting

Realistic Needs and Diseases

SkyRealism - Capacity (changes weight carry based on what your wearing and a default of 50, I combine this with Bandoliers and Frostfall backpacks to increase carry weight forcing me to craft addition supplies and making carry weight a factor)

Dynamic Potions - Sets up potions to heal over time instead of instant effect ((configurable through mcm)), I use the no stacking version so that I can't drink 5 health pots at once as well


Now it should be noted that I would stack several other mods with this combination however, to prevent game instability and script overload in my games I have limited this to these mods, which I deem acceptable and tested together well.


as far as Requiem goes, I love the idea of it, I love some of the features I read, and have been tempted to test it, unfortunately huge overhaul mods usually shy me away because compatibility with other mods becomes a quick headache. I think if you want to have a one install mod (not including visuals) and the occasional mod sprinkled on top, it's good. In the end, I decided to air with keeping my game opened ended for compatibility, you never know what amazing mod might come out tomorrow, and how you might not be able to use it because an overhaul has dibs on your game.

Edited by TehKaoZ
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Also, if you want to increase the actual difficulty and hardship of Skyrim, through the means of creating and increasing no's of random spawns

check out my full mod list, at this post, 'Random World Encounters'




i have a stack of other mods that generally increase the burden of gameplay, a few that boost, and stacks that add variety to items in general ... (which is also why i created the DIce System, to limit my acquisition of all these things, or more like penalize me -- kind of like a tug-of-war balance)

let me know if you're interested, and i could send you my full list


Hmm, if it adds more gold or gems, it's going to be a deal breaker for me. I'm trying to make the game harder to get rich in.

yeah you will get more gold, because you kill way more encounters, but i use stacks of mods to counter this,

check it out ....


Realistic Room Rental (makes a room cost average 100 gold)

ERSO 17 Training Costs 2.5

And the real biter is Unleashed!

- Weapons cost about 2000 gold average,

- Enchanted items cost 10,000 gold

- a piece of leather, about 200 gold

(if you don't like using unleashed, check out Trade&Barter)


Unleashed also makes for a very challenging start to the the game! (playing on Adept)

prepare to die a lot, and find any way to scrounge up some XP to Lvl up!

You will only be hunting goats and skeevers, and joining any Khajit travellers on the road, as allies ... even wolves will eat your juicy rump steak!


in the way of general Gameplay enhancement (ie, immersion, hardships)

i also use the following:

Fire of Vigor - can only regenerate health at fire sources

Frostfall - of course

More Snow 75% (decreases visibility)

More Rain 75%

Ultimate Dungeon Overhaul - seriously darker dungeons, and more encounters

Immersive Cells - more dungeon encounters

Realistic Fall Damage - makes running in desperation very dangerous

Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed - increases your running speed (good thing, because you will be running your arse of, there are trolls, dragons, and werewolves all over the place)

Skyrim Heart Rate (restores stamina faster, the more you run - gonna need this one too, if you want any chance to survive)

Locational Damage

Duel Combat 5

ERSO 09 - NPC Overhaul (give all classes of NPC's better and higher stats - this includes all hostiles & friendlies - Thiefs will kill you 9/10 times now)

ERSO 02 - This will boost all the wildlife and creaures in the game (Health, speeds, etc) (includes trolls, and the likes)

ERSO 30 - Better ENemy Ai

Revenge of the Enemies

Reneers Crime Overhaul


Weighted Items (gold now costs weight)

Skyrealism - Detection Durations (enemies will hunt you)

Exhausted (visual feedback to your status - world gets dark and blurry when you near death)

Classic LVL Up (Need to rest 1st before using perks)

No Skill Limit (uncaps all hostile NPC's - above 100)

Dart Trap Harder (or any trap mod)

Realistic Poison (increase effectiveness)

Diseased (diseases are bad-ass, and you need medicine, which you can craft)

Higher LVL enemies (for High LvL character encounters)

Dragon Swarms (these only pop up at higher LvLs too)

Less BunniesMore Bears (no more friendly critters - well, still a few)

Immediate Dragons ( for a really fun beginning to the game -- ie. even more running :smile:



Basically, the whole Random Encounter creature list, is to create a unexpectant and diverse Skyrim experience, it feels like a real live biological experiment is happening, and you're a part of it

... and to increase the hostility of the great outdoors :smile:

Edited by baloo42
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I'll check out those mods when I get a new computer sometime after the holidays lol. As it is, I'm playing on a nearly 4 year old laptop (will turn 4 on Feb), running medium with 127 mods. LOL. Skyrim Performance Monitor already has my VRAM like running on 900/1024. LOL. RAM is far from max though (1.3GB/6GB). I don't want to push it further. LOL.


So far my mods are:




A Quality World Map

Achieve That!

Acquisitive Soul Gems -> One of the best mods ever. Forces souls to go into proper sized gems. No more grand gems wasted on petty souls!

Alternate Start - Live Another Life


Audio Overhaul for Skyrim

Barenziah Quest Markers (because carrying those stones are annoying)

Belt Fastened Quivers

High Res DLC optimized (full 1024 version)

Better Females

Book Covers of Skyrim

Brighter Torches

Character Creation Overhaul

Civil War Overhaul

Climates of Tamriel

Cloaks of Skyrim

Combat Caster

Conan Hyborian Age (cool weapons)

Crimson Tide

Cutthroat Merchants

Cutting Room Floor

Daedric Wrath

Daedric Dawnbreaker (low light, no stagger, infinite charge)

Deadly Dragons

Deadly Trio

Double Cursor Fix

Dragon Combat Overhaul

DreamBurrow Regal Huntsman Armor

DreamBurrow Regal Assassin Armor

Drinking Fountains of Skyrim

Dwarven Sniper

Dwemer Goggles and Scouter

Elysium Estate

Enhanced Distant Terrain

Face Masks of Skyrim

Fires Hurt

Fishbiter's RND tweaks


Grass on Steroids

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

Hearthfire multiple adoptions

High Quality 3D Map


Immersive Armors

Immersive HUD

Immersive Patrols

Imperial Sight Bow

Improved Sneak Detection (kinda like SkyRealism but this one has Gopher's recommendation so I went for this. LOL)

Inconsequential NPCs

Increased Bounties and Guild Rewards (because it doesn't make sense that a bandit bounty costs more than a dragon bounty)

Increased Bounties and Guild Rewards -Decreased FedEx add-on (because it doesn't make sense that a delivery request pays more than a bounty)

Jaysus Swords

Killing Traps

Locational Damage

Lore Based Loading Screens

Magnificent Hunting Bow

Masters of Death

My Home is Your Home

Moonlight Tales

Natural Eyes

Nordic Sight Bow

Perseid's Inns and Taverns

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Run for your Lives

Skyrim Bigger Trees

Skyrim Community Uncapper

Skyrim Performance Plus

Skyrim Project Optimization

SkyTEST - Realistic Predators

Sniper Glass Bow

Sniper Dragon Bow

Spouses can live anywhere

Starting Spell Choice


Subliminal Traps


The Choice is Yours

The Dance of Death

The Secret of Steel (removes "fantasy" and "rare" items like dwarven and daedric and dragon stuff from merchants)

Thieve's Guild Requirements

Touring Carriages

Trade and Barter

Traps Make Noise

True Thief Armor

Ultimate Spinning Arrows

Unofficial Patches

Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix

Wet and Cold

When Vampires Attack

Winter is Coming




I'm looking into replacing SkyRe's enemy AI module with ASIS though.

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Ohhh, i want "Conan Hyborian Age", i am such a big fan of the movies! and i always wanted to try 'Run for your Lives'

ps. if you drop a few resource heavy mods, for example 'Grass on Steroids' (i had to drop this, and Glorious Grass, but i still kept Flora Overhaul, Skyrim Bigger Trees, HD tree texture (for the increased tree sizes), Enhanced Night Sky (high-def stars), and some Xvivid terrain overhauls (best for rocks, and mountains too)

... you should be able to add more encounters, or gameplay mods no problem :smile:


you can see my other article here, for fully optimizing your system for Skyrim



Note: i have quite a low spec system, but i followed these steps after days searching the internet, and now my Skyrim runs like a dream, (with ENB)

i bought my system in parts online, self assembled, cost equivalent of 400$ (excluding screen), i bought it 2 years ago,

Athlon!!! (no Phenom!) quad-core 3GHz, Geforce GTS 450, i think they recommend at least 600 series or above!

i have subtly overclocked everything using, stock cooler for the CPU! no fancy nothing, and my temps are good to go :smile:


here you can see my current list, still in testing phase, but very very close to completion now



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
AP Skyrim.esm
Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp
Customizable Camera.esp
SkyRealism - Simple Save System - OOC - 5 min.esp
Morning Fogs.esp
Supreme Fog.esp
Additional Player Voices for Skyrim.esp
Clanking Armor.esp
Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp
Immersive Sounds - Magic.esp
Dead Body Collision.esp
Disease Descriptions.esp
Dual Sheath Redux.esp
Sit Anywhere.esp
Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
Compass Marker Range 4000-12000.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Insanity's Shields.esp
AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Default.esp
L0S and TaVE patch.esp
LoS and RE patch.esp
Unique Places.esp
Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp
Immersive Dragon Bridge.esp
Immersive Falkreath.esp
Immersive Rorikstead.esp
masser Size x2.5.esp
secunda Size x1.5.esp
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
Skyrim bigger trees.esp
Lock Overhaul.esp
Weighted Items.esp
DartTrap harder.esp
FSS-No pause between lines.esp
Better Skill and Quest Books Names.esp
HardCore Fus Roh Dah.esp
Proper Aiming.esp
Realistic poison.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
Uncle Sheo.esp
Sexy Armor Replacer Patch.esp
Skyrim unleashed_items.esp
Skyrim unleashed_npc.esp
Skyrim unleashed_crafting.esp
Skyrim unleashed_enchantments.esp
Skyrim unleashed_leveling.esp
lasyan3 - SU Compatibility Patch for Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
lasyan3 - SU Compatibility Patch for Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Civil War Overhaul.esp
Extra Encounters.esp
WiS IV.esp
DFB - Random Encounters.esp
Forsworn Children.esp
Named bosses in skyrim I v1.1.esp
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Duel - Combat Realism.esp
Locational Damage.esp
ERSO 01 - VRR with Running Hardcore.esp
ERSO 02 - EFMS very bigger giant mammoths.esp
ERSO 09 - RUS-Npcs overhaul USKP compatible.esp
ERSO 09.2 - Radiance.esp
ERSO 10.04 - Immersive Brigands.esp
ERSO 10.05 - Immersive Patrols.esp
ERSO 10.06 - Immersive Werewolves.esp
ERSO 11 - RUS-(SIM)-Assassins and Thieves.esp
Bandit Patrols.esp
OBIS-IW Patch.esp
OBIS-USKP Patch.esp
ERSO 13.02 - Lower Skill Gain -40percentHAS.esp
ERSO 15 - Timescale 10.esp
ERSO 16 - Realistic Crime Alert Distances - MEDIUM.esp
ERSO 17 - Training cost 2.5x.esp
ERSO 26 - Realistic Fall Damages.esp
ERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard&Dragonborn.esp
Rebirth Monster.esp
R18Pn - Inner Wear Set.esp
Upgraded Weapons and Armors.esp
Unique Unique.esp
Legendary Artifacts.esp
Better Summoning Visuals - TheGreyLight.esp
Physic Magic 0.8v.esp
Binocular Vision Game Settings 135.esp
The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp
SIPP - Skyrim Ingredients Potions & Poisons.esp
Immersive Potions.esp
SkyRealism - Detection Durations.esp
Dawnguard Radiant Quest Adjustment.esp
Improved Dragon Shouts.esp
Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp
Improved Dragon Shouts - Dragonborn.esp
Infinite Werewolf.esp
Skyrim 1 Day DeadBody Timer.esp
Skyrim 3 Day Respawn.esp
Skyrim 3 Day Vendor Respawn.esp
No Skill Limit.esp
Height Adjusted Races.esp
Random Alternate Start.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
WATER DB Waves.esp
Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp
warburg's 3d paper world map - dawnguard.esp
Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Dragonborn.esp
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp




Ps. Thank you for starting this thread, it really gave me a lot of food for thought :wink:

( i still want to try an unleveled Skyrim one day, but at the moment i am happy with the difficulty )

note: i think the ERSO Level Progression mod is a must, that will slow down your progress in the game dramatically, i am using the 40% penalty

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Actually, Grass on Steroids increased my FPS outdoors by around 4FPS despite having lots of grass (I set the iMinGrassSize to 120, vanilla is like 40). Anyway I just made a few tweaks on some of the mods and settings and with the same mods on the list, VRAM is running now at 655MB. LOL. So It's just cool. I'll run this for a while though, as I currently am not playing my main character. A year ago I made a special save for just testing out mod stability, and I named him Arnie Frankfurter (RA2 reference) and made him look a bit like the Governator. When I learned about Hyborian Age, I just had to level him up to get into the Hyborian Mound and finish this quest LOL. Check out Gopher's video on Hyborian Age.


Anyway, I still won't push it for now, as SkyRe is still giving me an awesome experience as I still die a lot. I'll look into more encounter mods when I reach the point where I can play SkyRe on Legendary without always dying (Currently on Master with SkyRe)


I'm looking at a laptop with an i7 and the latest Geforce 740M on it. That think can run 60FPS on Ultra according to reviews, and since I'm not a stickler for FPS on this game (for some reason, 20FPS with Hialgo Boost on Skyrim is way smoother than 30FPS on Assassin's Creed Revelations, at least according to FRAPS counter, although the FPS counter mod puts me at 27-30), I'll wait the two months while I flesh out my Arnie character LOL. I probably won't be playing January though, med school puts such a strain on my gaming time. :D


PS: Hey you have Imaginator. You may want to try replacing your ENB with the "I Can't Believe this isn't ENB" mod. It's new and just hit the hotfiles a while ago. The screenshots are pretty good. It's a SweetFX preset that the mod-author claims makes the game look closer to ENB even without one. I haven't tried it though.

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Yeah I used to use grass on steroids too, even tried to adapt it to vurts newest version to it. I still don't understand what the mod author did to actually make it increase fps but it does. an alternative I found that worked though was running vurts textures through DDSopt with a maximum resolution of 1k (careful with this though, you need to make sure it's set up right) and set my grass max to 60 (max for vurts). Their used to be this stupid shrub in Riverwood, a brown one by the log, i would lose, no kidding 5 frames being in it's location, turns out that brown thing was 2k something or other.

Anywho, sorry for offtopic. But yes, so many good combat and spawn mods out there, I can't really use any of them for stability. So I use Immersive Creatures only, the rest are vanilla buffs and variations with no actual extra spawns.

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Lol, Really?? i'm ready to debate Grass on Steroids, i just tested it again, and it still ate my performance big-time ... maybe it's something in my ini
(i just read his description on the page, and it all looks very promising, and i'm not going to debate with someone who can mod Skyrim)

Note: i don't use the full Skyrim Flora Overhaul, still crashes with too many encounters, i used this optional i found --- SFO - Overgrown (makes everything looks great! and only 72MB)

Well, 'Dat grass' was definiltely a killer, i think that we can all agree on :D

Yeah! i totally agree with you about hialgo, and the FPS readings, i also play at 20, and that's were i'm happy :smile:

i think i am currently on save "1946", and still have not played past LvL 10,
because that's where i found out things weren't actually working right
and so many embedded scripts and what-not, that i was forced to start over
most of the saves were from pure mod testing with a test save, mostly for encounter tests

it's the funnest thing going on a horse between Whiterun and Rorikstead, with your new sandbox world awaiting you, and for some reason, when toggling the order of certain encounter mods ... you get some very bizarre happenings, some good others bad,

(lol, i even had Dragons flying of with Giants on there backs, for instance)

(or you could be really unfortunate, and turn every single hostile encounter into a friendly deer -- Hunting season is open =D)

that thread i gave you "Random Encounters" is a special magic brew of sorts, that has taken me since July this year to put together

and it works ... i don't know how, or why ... but it has the sense of something unpredictable and dynamic, you would almost call it biological and natural (especially with key ingredients like War in Skyrim, and DFB Random Encounters, Extra Encounters, maybe even Radiance to a lesser degree)


Immersive Creatures is really great (and i wouldn't give it up for a long time), but with all the other encounter mods, it really needs Bash to work as properly, (or else it only really changes the giants. it works on its own, but needs something to boost its spawn no's in my opinion). The real problem is, if i use Bash with a large mod list, it overloads the resources by putting too much of every mod into the game (which is why Bash is so great at what it does, but i have also discovered that it breaks whatever 'magic' War in Skyrim is trying to achieve!)


at the end, i focused 'less' on monsters, 'more' on bandits, forsworn, necromancers, mages, stormcloaks, imperials, Dragons, and a few thieves ... and hostile wildlife! --- now it's not in the dungeons (which is vanilla), it's the World you have to worry about :D

This gives a more Games of Thrones encounter variety-type experience, "which i like!"

(Hammerfell Bandits and Inconsequential NPC's are nice additions here, perhaps even Assassins and Thieves)
(but the dungeons are also very bad-ass!)



Wow, an "I7", that sounds tops!

You should be able to play next-gen with a setup like that,
Haha! i laughed at Gophers description of Schwarzenegger, that guy is cool!

Hey, Med school, All the best! :thumbsup:
i have recently been watching Scrubs for the 1st time, i hope it's something like that :smile:

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