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Difficult, Enduring, & Masochistic Gameplay?


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@Kanesghost - You need Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases if you really want immersion. RND will make you NEED to eat, drink and sleep regularly. You get penalties if you don't like getting tired means decreased damage on one hand, decreased regen rates etc. Frostfall to make the environment feel like it really would: freezing. You may want to install a lighting mod like RLO (best option for performance) to make dungeons darker like they should be. Locational Damage would also be excellent for you.


I have no plans on playing hardcore right now. Still on my first playthrough with SkyRe and Master difficulty on this is pretty harsh (Some people say that vanilla Master difficuty is like Adept difficulty on SkyRe). Still haven't got all the nuances of this mod set. So far I'm getting accurate enough to hunt animals with a crosshair-less bow (can take down deer and wolves from afar. Working on foxes and rabbits). I tried lowering the difficulty to Expert, but then missed the challenge of Master with it's stronger enemies. Although playing on Expert would seem better if I would be a non-potion taker or without magic for hardcore gaming but see, I like mages so I do have healing spells.

Hey Chanchan....I do keep an eye on the Realistic Needs Mods such as 'Realistic Needs and Diseases', always waiting to see if they address my man's dietary choices...none of those Mods recognize what he eats (raw Humanoid flesh, etc..), otherwise I very much would use one of those Mods, I want to, but I guess there isn't much of a call for my unusual wants.... :sad: ....And so I just continue to self impose his needs until I am able to use a Mod to enhance the experience, I remain very strict about seeing to his needs in game, I suspect he may over eat and over sleep in fact... :tongue: ...I figure he would have a fast metabolism for what he is and what he does.


As for Frostfall...another Mod I keep watching and thinking about...just keep wondering how my game would go with the extra Scripts in place...it's definitely on my hit list and will be installing one day soon, it's very tempting.... just hoping my game remains rock solid.


My ENB does Dark Dungeons for me, which is always very interesting considering my man is Stealth so avoids using Torches, etc...as much as I can manage....he moves VERY slowly through Dungeons... :tongue: ...I also use CoT and have slightly darker nights....though he does have Night Eye when in Werewolf form....Have looked at Locational Damage a number of times also, but like the Armor and Weapon Break Mod, I worry about how impossible it may make his survival if UDE spawns Bosses on him when his hurt, considering he doesn't Fast Travel or ride Horses, he lives his life at jog speed getting around....but now that I think about it, I think I will try Locational Damage out, give me even more reason to work harder on his agility and dodging....thank you for the idea... :smile:

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@TehKaoz - the altered physics on SkyRe makes the crosshair a bit less useful than vanilla. Just takes a bit of practice on knowing how the arrow flies. The archery butts in Solitude and Whiterun become useful. I can bullseye those now at a farther distance than the Imperial troops practice. I still am not practiced on using a long bow though. And you can try the Sniper Bows by Outlaw666. My current witch hunter still doesn't have enough smithing skill to make them (Character Creation Overhaul dropped my Smithing to 5 on start, LOL), but I tried them on other characters and they work great if you plan on playing without crosshairs.


@Kanesghost - My rig can't run an ENB and I don't have a difference in FPS if I run Frostfall and RND together. Also, you can eat raw and humanoid flesh using RND without repercussions if you're a werewolf or vampire in RND.

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I really like that setup/character/roleplay KanesGhost. In fact, I'd like to inquire about a couple mods.


1) What mod do you use to remove starting spells? I have one as well and just curious if there's another better one out there.


2) How do you like Skyrim Bandages? I remember looking into several different first aid mods a few months back before I started my current playthrough and found something I couldn't live with with each of them. But I'm not sure if I saw this one specifically or not so I'm curious how you like it and if there's any downside for you.


Cheers mate and have fun. My own setup/rules are pretty similar though I probably could never do a Dead is Dead playthrough as I'm just not good enough and get too attached to each character, so mad respect for that.

Thank you TenderHooligan... :happy:


1) Merciless Beginnings... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20334/? ....Is simple, basic and delivers.


2) I like it, it works as I was looking for...still amazing healing, but gotta accept some impossibilities in a Game to be playable... :happy: ...need to be a patient Gamer though, as it is slower to heal and so have to wait it out, need to make sure your in a safe place to apply. There is another Bandages Mod I am aware of, but it doesn't allow you to apply if there are hostiles nearby, I couldn't work with that....I just have my man Mountain Goat to a position where he can't be reached, he loves cliff sides and high Boulders... :tongue: ...to see to his Medical needs and all's sweet....The only downside I guess is the patience required, but am fine with that myself.


I am very attached to my character... :happy: ...the only real problems are your Archers and Crossbow opponents....but if you either keep terrain and obstacles between you and them or keep an eye on what they are doing, they are easy enough to dodge their incoming's and never let Melee opponents flank or surround you, always fight off the back foot and taunt them into dropping their guard by circling them and bashing them, keeping just out of reach yourself, if more than one opponent keep the one your going toe to toe with between you and his mates at all times and be relentless in your bashes and attacks...unless some mongrel Boss hits you in the back with a Fus-Ro-Dah Bow while your dealing with the other Boss and leaves you sprawled at the other Boss's feet, he hits you with his seriously OP Sword and you end up scrambling to your feet and sprinting for your life on a tiny sliver of health... :tongue: ...that sux... :tongue: ...As I mentioned, my dude rarely takes any damage, have only lost him the once, and that was embarrassing considering it was that ridiculously weak Wood Elf Timber Miller in Ivarstead who got the killing blow in with an Iron Dagger on the Master Vamp who took my guy out.. :blush: ...I took too many chances in that fight and knew it, I was being impatient in battle and didn't pull back when I knew I should....he was so close to death I wanted to get the killing blow in on him fast...my mistake... :sad: ...damned Life Drain... :tongue: ...was a good fight though....Restart game from beginning... :sad:...I do tend to play the same character though, am particularly fond of his RP, appearance and back story.


Edit: Oh...and if worse comes to worse in a Boss fight, hit them with the Van Helsing Crossbow dripping in Poison and drown them in it... :tongue: ....is pretty much an 'I WIN!' Button... :blush:....need a lot of Bolts to take down some Bosses though, the Bolts do little damage, but their consistent and fast.

Edited by KanesGhost
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@TehKaoz - the altered physics on SkyRe makes the crosshair a bit less useful than vanilla. Just takes a bit of practice on knowing how the arrow flies. The archery butts in Solitude and Whiterun become useful. I can bullseye those now at a farther distance than the Imperial troops practice. I still am not practiced on using a long bow though. And you can try the Sniper Bows by Outlaw666. My current witch hunter still doesn't have enough smithing skill to make them (Character Creation Overhaul dropped my Smithing to 5 on start, LOL), but I tried them on other characters and they work great if you plan on playing without crosshairs.


@Kanesghost - My rig can't run an ENB and I don't have a difference in FPS if I run Frostfall and RND together. Also, you can eat raw and humanoid flesh using RND without repercussions if you're a werewolf or vampire in RND.

Oh okay, I didn't know that, I thought it was only while he was in Werewolf Form itself that I could sate his hunger with that diet....thanks for the heads up... :happy: ...will go take another look. I use a number of Cloak Spell Mods, such as Duel Combat Realism and about three others and two Script intensive Mods, that's been my concern with Frostfall, but will see if my Rig can handle it, though as far as I am aware, it's not so much the PC's specs, but the GB limitation from Bethesda on the Skyrim game? I am not computer savvy by a long shot.... :blush:

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It's about picking the mods you use, I am running 148 esp's, and Skyrim Performance Monitor says I am just using an average of 1.2GB RAM (max 1.4GB) and 590MB VRAM (max at 790MB) on my current mod list. I tend to look for mods that accomplish the same things as others but using as small amount of scripts as humanly possible. Check out my mod list on the second page. My current setup is a bit different (removed Climates of Tamriel and ELnFX, then used RLO and RLO's weather plugin), causing a decrease of more than 100MB in VRAM consumption.




A Matter of Time

Quality World Map

Achieve That

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Amazing Follower Tweaks

Audio Overhaul for Skyrim


Belt Fastened Quivers

Better Dialogue Controls

Better Females

Better Message Box Controls

Book Covers of Skyrim

Character Creation Overhaul

Civil War Overhaul

Cloaks of Skyrim

Conan Hyborian Age

Convenient Horses

Crimson Tide

Daedric Dawnbreaker

Daedric Wrath

Deadly Dragons

Deadly Trio

Dimonized UNP

Double Cursor Fix

DreamBurrow's Regal Assassin

DreamBurrow's Regal Huntsman

Dwarven Sniper

Dwemer Goggles and Scouter

Elysium Estate

Face Masks of Skyrim

Fires Hurt


Hearthfire multiple adoptions


Immersive Armors

Immersive Patrols

Imperial Sight Bow

Inconsequential NPCs

Increased Bounty and Guild Rewards - (It's just weird that you only get 250G for killing a dragon. Buying a sword is more expensive)

Increased Bounty and Guild Rewards - Reduced Delivery/Fedex rewards

Jaysus Swords

Killing Traps

Locational Damage

Lore Based Loading Screens

Mage Backpack

Magnificent Hunting Bow

Masters of Death

Moonlight Tales

My Home is Your Home

Nordic Sight Bow

Realistic Room Rental

Predator Vision - Vampire/Werewolf

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Realistic Needs or Diseases

Run For Your Lives

Skyrim Bigger Trees

Skyrim Community Uncapper




Sniper Glass Bow

Sniper Sight Dragonbone Bow

Spouses Can Live Everywhere

Starting Spell Choice - This doubles as a mod to remove starting spells too


Subliminal Traps

The Choice is Yours

The Dance of Death

DB Armor Robes Replacer

Secret of Steel + Addons

Thieves Guild Requirements

Touring Carriages

Trade and Barter

Traps Make Noise

Unique Uniques

Unofficial Patches

Vanilla Mannequin Script fix

Werewolf Mastery

Wet and Cold + Ashes

When Vampires Attach

Winter is Coming




Just so we are talking about the same RND mod:


Edited by chanchan05
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On the topic of bows & archery,

i discovered this interesting mod last night, (i can't believe i missed it, and it got released just recently)

This mod adds shake as the bow gets tense, and Stamina drain too :smile:

Immersive Archery



i also use:

- Lynn Real Arrows

(no visual arrow trails & muffled impacts at distance from player)

- Auto Unequip Arrows

(disarms the quiver when you disarm your bow)

- Torch Arrows

(name says it all, this mod is a blast together with Fire&Ice Overhaul)


other mods, such as audio and visuals for arrows

Edited by baloo42
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I don't think that's compatible with SkyRe, as it already puts stamina drain on keeping your bow drawn, so it overlaps. SkyRe also has torch arrows. I think it also has exploding arrows. :)


I am using Armed to the Teeth, so no, I don't really want Auto-unequip. Armed to the Teeth is much cooler. :)

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It's about picking the mods you use, I am running 148 esp's, and Skyrim Performance Monitor says I am just using an average of 1.2GB RAM (max 1.4GB) and 590MB VRAM (max at 790MB) on my current mod list. I tend to look for mods that accomplish the same things as others but using as small amount of scripts as humanly possible. Check out my mod list on the second page. My current setup is a bit different (removed Climates of Tamriel and ELnFX, then used RLO and RLO's weather plugin), causing a decrease of more than 100MB in VRAM consumption.




A Matter of Time

Quality World Map

Achieve That

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Amazing Follower Tweaks

Audio Overhaul for Skyrim


Belt Fastened Quivers

Better Dialogue Controls

Better Females

Better Message Box Controls

Book Covers of Skyrim

Character Creation Overhaul

Civil War Overhaul

Cloaks of Skyrim

Conan Hyborian Age

Convenient Horses

Crimson Tide

Daedric Dawnbreaker

Daedric Wrath

Deadly Dragons

Deadly Trio

Dimonized UNP

Double Cursor Fix

DreamBurrow's Regal Assassin

DreamBurrow's Regal Huntsman

Dwarven Sniper

Dwemer Goggles and Scouter

Elysium Estate

Face Masks of Skyrim

Fires Hurt


Hearthfire multiple adoptions


Immersive Armors

Immersive Patrols

Imperial Sight Bow

Inconsequential NPCs

Increased Bounty and Guild Rewards - (It's just weird that you only get 250G for killing a dragon. Buying a sword is more expensive)

Increased Bounty and Guild Rewards - Reduced Delivery/Fedex rewards

Jaysus Swords

Killing Traps

Locational Damage

Lore Based Loading Screens

Mage Backpack

Magnificent Hunting Bow

Masters of Death

Moonlight Tales

My Home is Your Home

Nordic Sight Bow

Realistic Room Rental

Predator Vision - Vampire/Werewolf

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Realistic Needs or Diseases

Run For Your Lives

Skyrim Bigger Trees

Skyrim Community Uncapper




Sniper Glass Bow

Sniper Sight Dragonbone Bow

Spouses Can Live Everywhere

Starting Spell Choice - This doubles as a mod to remove starting spells too


Subliminal Traps

The Choice is Yours

The Dance of Death

DB Armor Robes Replacer

Secret of Steel + Addons

Thieves Guild Requirements

Touring Carriages

Trade and Barter

Traps Make Noise

Unique Uniques

Unofficial Patches

Vanilla Mannequin Script fix

Werewolf Mastery

Wet and Cold + Ashes

When Vampires Attach

Winter is Coming




Just so we are talking about the same RND mod:


Subliminal Traps and Killing Traps look interesting, I think I will grab those myself... :smile:


I run at any one time between 80-90 esp's, always trying to keep things to a dull roar for perfect performance and only use Mods I REALLY want to use for RP, challenge and beauty (very few texture mods, I let the ENB take care of most of that). I would guess I am just over cautious as I very rarely have problems with my game and get about 60 fps if I remember rightly (the last time I looked). Sadly i can't tell you the PC system i am running, I know that little about PC's, but it's been looked at by a Modder/PC Builder friend on here and apparently it's a very impressive serious Gaming PC...was built for me by a friend.


I will definitely drop Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases into my game and see how I go....have just been re-building my Mod list to start a new Game...updating Mods, etc...so is a good time. My main concern with Food recognition has been this Mod...:




Is my Dovahkin's primary food source and perfect for his RP...keeps his meat fresh too, there are a lot of Bandits, constant food supply... :tongue:


Yes, it is the same RND Mod we are talking about.

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On the topic of bows & archery,

i discovered this interesting mod last night, (i can't believe i missed it, and it got released just recently)

This mod adds shake as the bow gets tense, and Stamina drain too :smile:

Immersive Archery



i also use:

- Lynn Real Arrows

(no visual arrow trails & muffled impacts at distance from player)

- Auto Unequip Arrows

(disarms the quiver when you disarm your bow)

- Torch Arrows

(name says it all, this mod is a blast together with Fire&Ice Overhaul)


other mods, such as audio and visuals for arrows

Have just had a nosey at Immersive Archey...looks good, but I think it would drive me insane... :tongue: ...he doesn't creep around with Bow drawn, but I take my sweet time lining up long distance shots...am a slow player.

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It's about picking the mods you use, I am running 148 esp's, and Skyrim Performance Monitor says I am just using an average of 1.2GB RAM (max 1.4GB) and 590MB VRAM (max at 790MB) on my current mod list. I tend to look for mods that accomplish the same things as others but using as small amount of scripts as humanly possible. Check out my mod list on the second page. My current setup is a bit different (removed Climates of Tamriel and ELnFX, then used RLO and RLO's weather plugin), causing a decrease of more than 100MB in VRAM consumption.




A Matter of Time

Quality World Map

Achieve That

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Amazing Follower Tweaks

Audio Overhaul for Skyrim


Belt Fastened Quivers

Better Dialogue Controls

Better Females

Better Message Box Controls

Book Covers of Skyrim

Character Creation Overhaul

Civil War Overhaul

Cloaks of Skyrim

Conan Hyborian Age

Convenient Horses

Crimson Tide

Daedric Dawnbreaker

Daedric Wrath

Deadly Dragons

Deadly Trio

Dimonized UNP

Double Cursor Fix

DreamBurrow's Regal Assassin

DreamBurrow's Regal Huntsman

Dwarven Sniper

Dwemer Goggles and Scouter

Elysium Estate

Face Masks of Skyrim

Fires Hurt


Hearthfire multiple adoptions


Immersive Armors

Immersive Patrols

Imperial Sight Bow

Inconsequential NPCs

Increased Bounty and Guild Rewards - (It's just weird that you only get 250G for killing a dragon. Buying a sword is more expensive)

Increased Bounty and Guild Rewards - Reduced Delivery/Fedex rewards

Jaysus Swords

Killing Traps

Locational Damage

Lore Based Loading Screens

Mage Backpack

Magnificent Hunting Bow

Masters of Death

Moonlight Tales

My Home is Your Home

Nordic Sight Bow

Realistic Room Rental

Predator Vision - Vampire/Werewolf

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Realistic Needs or Diseases

Run For Your Lives

Skyrim Bigger Trees

Skyrim Community Uncapper




Sniper Glass Bow

Sniper Sight Dragonbone Bow

Spouses Can Live Everywhere

Starting Spell Choice - This doubles as a mod to remove starting spells too


Subliminal Traps

The Choice is Yours

The Dance of Death

DB Armor Robes Replacer

Secret of Steel + Addons

Thieves Guild Requirements

Touring Carriages

Trade and Barter

Traps Make Noise

Unique Uniques

Unofficial Patches

Vanilla Mannequin Script fix

Werewolf Mastery

Wet and Cold + Ashes

When Vampires Attach

Winter is Coming




Just so we are talking about the same RND mod:


Subliminal Traps and Killing Traps look interesting, I think I will grab those myself... :smile:


I run at any one time between 80-90 esp's, always trying to keep things to a dull roar for perfect performance and only use Mods I REALLY want to use for RP, challenge and beauty (very few texture mods, I let the ENB take care of most of that). I would guess I am just over cautious as I very rarely have problems with my game and get about 60 fps if I remember rightly (the last time I looked). Sadly i can't tell you the PC system i am running, I know that little about PC's, but it's been looked at by a Modder/PC Builder friend on here and apparently it's a very impressive serious Gaming PC...was built for me by a friend.


I will definitely drop Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases into my game and see how I go....have just been re-building my Mod list to start a new Game...updating Mods, etc...so is a good time. My main concern with Food recognition has been this Mod...:




Is my Dovahkin's primary food source and perfect for his RP...keeps his meat fresh too, there are a lot of Bandits, constant food supply... :tongue:


Yes, it is the same RND Mod we are talking about.



Well the problem with RND is that your meat won't stay fresh. After around 3 in game days (by default), they go stale. But only if you carry them yourself. They don't if you keep them in your saddlebag (c/o Convenient Horses) or in a barrel.


Gopher is a very well known modder and reviewer, runs RLO, CoT and an ENB together and he still gets very smooth game play. I can't even reach 60fps on my rig. So if your friend says that, about your rig, you can probably hit the max 255mods with NMM no problems.

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