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Difficult, Enduring, & Masochistic Gameplay?


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Sands of Time is pretty Script intensive, but is very worth the hit if your PC can handle it (I have been using SoT since about a month after it's initial release), I have tried Skyrim without SoT a couple of times since and frankly I don't like it, all is too quiet and no surprises...SoT keeps you on the edge of your seat..... :ohdear: ...I have happily sacrificed Mods for it to keep it running smoothly, loved 'Player Headtracking', but it didn't play nice with SoT....For quite some time there I was getting 8-10 hours game play at a time CTD, stutter, lag and freeze free...I have no life... :sad: ....but yep, starting playing with my Mod list again and now crashing an hour in.... :sad: ...am trying to cut down on Cloaking Effect Mods where I can, or disabling it if given the option in MCM and working on having most Script Mods fire off a lot less, keep their activity to a dull roar, aside from SoT that is.... :smile: ....I am chasing the golden 8-10 hour capability again, but not liking my chances.


I've seen the Ants Mod, I didn't even know there were Ants in Skyrim until I read that Mods description... :tongue: ....finally saw my first Ants the other day in my game, vanilla game Ants.


The RIFT game....yep, I tried Dungeons and Dragons also, RIFT is a little more easy to run, more pliable rules and less restrictive...The first time I was asked to GM (acting as guest GM), I drafted up a twisted Disneyland experience.... :tongue: ...one of the players wanted Disneyland and so gave it to him in spades.... :devil: ...was a blast.... :smile: ....My own GM game had my players gunning for my Villain, all seeing red.... :tongue: ....found a way to get their blood up, involved wiping out a Town of friends they had made.... :devil: ....had them chase him through Canada, Alaska, across to Russia and had just hit China when the game had to stop.

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Baloo, I have been curious, how have you been going with your combination? What have you had to change about what you do? You have gotten me curious about 'Battle and Fatigue' again...:


Baloo: "You got me hooked on the idea of the bandages mod, and have been since trying it together with the Battle & Fatigue mod, and it's been a blast"

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Wow! Dineyland! that is one wild roleplaying experience, please don't mention what mischievous deeds were done unto poor Mickey Mouse xD

... and all the way to China! talk about an inter-continental adventure! :tongue:


Keep it going with your mod setup, just last night i scanned through my whole list and found about 20 mods i can do without, so gonna give that a go tonight

i am also into problems with scripts now, did the papyrus thing, but not much doing there ... i am considering dropping Frostfall, but i really hope it doesn't come down to that - Lol, i also think this game has become a bit of an obsession ... and it just keeps growing :devil:




The Bandages mod is really great, i am so glad i used your suggestion :smile:


Battle & Fatigue - quite a bit has happened here

initially i was using this with 'Locational Damage' (with headshots disabled) and 'Duel Combat' combo, topped with some 'Revenge of the Enemies'

(i also since tried Duel 7 after you mentioned it, i read it had extra-hard AI - this was really fun too)


i think that Battle Fatigue is great for the sustained injuries through multiple combats

... and with Bandages, oh wow!


Lol, i'm still trying to find my first ant ... i think i saw one once before i started messing with all the grass and stuff ... but i still think i was hallucinating :tongue:

Ps. i wish i could get Skybirds to work with a heavy mod load!!! but i am able to run a flying bugs mod, i always cherish those magical moments!

when i do find an ant again, i think i might just see what it tastes like xD

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Script intensive mods hit the CPU and not the GPU right? My bottleneck right now really is the GPU. It's running at close to max load as possible without getting lags (settings and some ini tweaking, I'm sort of between low and medium right now, and disabled grass) but the CPU is just hitting an average of 70% load. I really hope to get a new rig soon. LOL.

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Yep Chan! i think that CPU would be the culprit there, but i think it really comes down to the scripting engine itself, well that's as far as what i have read

apparently it has something to do with the fact that they built Skyrim using their older framework, ie. 32-bit app

but that's all very technical stuff


i think GPU will always be the bottleneck as far as Skyrim goes, after all, it is 90% aesthetic :smile:

(that is until you start adding mass amounts of spawns, then your CPU goes into overload, which usually starts with crazy lagging, and then CTD, or BSOD if you're not careful! ... like me :smile:)


they did some interesting tests on games and CPU loads,

turns out that GTA4 (probably 5 now) had the most intensive CPU load, due to mass amounts of AI calculations

i'm sure that other things are also demanding CPU usage, but this is a biggy! i almost thought i blew my computer at one time while pushing the spawns on Skyrim!


i hope you do get one before the next-gen games come out, and then i will also be the one looking for a new rig :wink:

(just remember to buy it in components if you can, soooo much cheaper that way)

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Script intensive mods hit the CPU and not the GPU right? My bottleneck right now really is the GPU. It's running at close to max load as possible without getting lags (settings and some ini tweaking, I'm sort of between low and medium right now, and disabled grass) but the CPU is just hitting an average of 70% load. I really hope to get a new rig soon. LOL.

chanchan...if SoT does interest you and you would like to try it out, speak to SoT's Author 'Tony'...if you give him your PC specs, Mod list, what you have done...ini tweaks, etc...you would find him to be extremely helpful. He works in the field of Computers, knows his stuff and is a generous man, has helped me above and beyond more times than I can count....I know near on nothing about PC's.... :sad:


Tony would take a look at your Specs and Mod list and be able to tell you if your PC can run SoT or not and how best to get it to run smoothly and without issue.

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Baloo...don't worry Mickey survived the experience unscathed.... :tongue: ....in fact he left the players in a bind.... :D ....had him in the 'Sorcerers Apprentice' role, they startled him, but he rolled the initiative, so he hit them with an area effect sticky binding spell then sauntered out the door whistling... :D


I know what I need to drop from my Mod list, am a little disappointed, can't have my cake and eat it too it seems.... :tongue: ....choices to be made....combat challenge most important to me, so wins, I can RP most of the rest....sadly Frostfall had to go, though going to try swapping it out with RND, I can't run both with the rest of my Mods, but hopefully will be able to run at least one of them, I had been enjoying trying them out....turns out my Dovahkin is a glutton... :tongue: ....I didn't change his diet or how much he eats and sleeps with RND installed, always RP'ed him with a fast metabolism, given his Beast Blood (I reckon changing has gotta burn massive calories) and his ADHD behavior on the Battle field... :tongue: ... it turns out according to RND my dude over eats and certainly gets more than enough sleep.... :happy:


I had Skybirds at one point, but yeah, it doesn't play well with my game, was a shame giving it up..I have that Bug Mod too, my dude running around tearing wings off Butterflies...brute... :tongue: ...I found my Ants in Riverwood on the stump opposite where Ralof sits.


I put together an extended combination of Combat Mods in this game with surprising results...I leveled him out, wanted to find out what he could do with his new skills (the skills he uses, ended up at 63) ....he was a whirlwind.... :blink: ....have never had him move quite that fast and nimbly in combat, had some trouble controlling him as he kept over shooting past his targets (Sword).... :blink: ...he was moving TOO fast, was lightening speed with his Bow too...I gotta admit, it was epic.... :D ...though am thinking his way too OP with that set up.... :happy:


I will be installing Battle Fatigue in my game once I have it running well, I want to try it out now.... :happy:

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oh, i really liked the "Sorcerers Apprentice" scene from Fantasia! ...haha, this sounds like a real blast! :D

( it is amazing how long these memories of classic roleplaying really stick with us, and how vivid they remain ... we still get together to play Euro board games, they fit in great with todays busy lifestyle )


Lol, that is one hell-of-a energy bunny you have built! You should nick-name him Duracell :tongue:


Ants ... coolios ... i'm headed to Riverwood next then! :thumbsup:


Wow, it sounds like you need those slow-time effects they do in the movies... maybe some Matrix 'bullet-time' will do the trick :D


Ps. with regards to Battle Fatigue, i might just have found a better alternative

(my problem with Battle Fatigue, is that the injuries never heal, even with sleep ... so i always have to use the console for it ... as do many other players for this mod, and it's one hell-of-a long console command)


this is what i found (lol, you can only get the German version on Nexus!)

"Dynamic Injuries"


(this mod includes stitches, bandages, and the injuries come in different shapes and sizes, for example, you can get burns ... i still need to test this mod out, but it sounds promising)


i highly recommend this very recent mod



this will make certain special ingredients give your potions a stronger boost ... also gives healing potions a duration effect

and last and most important imo, it boosts the effects of all poisons, making specific changes to each effect


(haha, i was really hoping to get my Skyrim working in time for Xmas, instead my gift to myself was to rebuild my entire mod compilation from scratch ... but i am happy to say it is finally finished and working! -- and i have promised myself not to touch a single dial, as tempting as it may be)
ps. i did find something else i could do without ... "Hearthfire" ... lol, i don't think i will find the time to decorate my house or adopt children, when what all i want to do is get powerful enough to be able to slay one of ERSO's Mighty Dragons ;)


on another note, check out this very heart-warming link



and this one is for the die-hard LOTR fans (although i think she is more of a Lady Gaga impersonator)


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