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Moving On

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If I may...



Just found out you're quitting the modding scene, and after reading this thread, I think you're being waaaaay too hard on yourself. Not to pry (and no by no means am I asking you to answer this) but it sounds like maybe you've been having some stress in your life lately, cause that kind of negativity? I'm familiar with it; it's what I sound like when I'm severely depressed. :P Always viewing everything I do with a negative light.


I don't know why you insist on claiming everything you've made since NVB I was never as good. To me, NVB II was the best. (haven't tried Russell cause I figured I'd wait til it was finished to do so) To me, there were two regular modders who produced multiple mods (key part right there, because some others like the team behind BBD deserve credit for their work, but they only created the one mod) that made the New Vegas community proud: Mike Hancho, with his simplistic light touch that affords him the ability to create simple mods that feel like just another quest within the base game and are therefore almost indistinguishable in quality and not even remotely lore-breaking or challenging, and you, someguy2000, who can create decent-sized quest mods that avoid oddball, totally out there ideas that stomp the lore to pieces, all while providing a nice level of difficulty, story and balance.

I'm very careful with what mods I download because there's always some ridiculous mod with a corrupt member of the Kings who kills children for fun or a super special 10,000 damage gun reward upon completion or what-have-you, but your mods were my FIRST mods because they were the first ones I saw and thought "I could play this without feeling like I'm cheating/breaking the game/killing my immersion." Before yours, I never even touched mods for those various reasons; I could never find mods that I felt met those qualities while being significant enough in size to bother with.



If you feel you need a break, hey, perhaps maybe you do. I can tell you however that you're a valued member of the New Vegas modding community, if not THE most valued. There's no reason to be as hard on yourself as you seem to be. If you finished Firebase Zulu and, worst-case-scenario, it was a disappointment...so what? No one will hate you for it; experimentation and failure is part of the learning process. It's how you refine your work and improve. One of the best quotes I've ever heard was Michael Jordan's "before you can succeed you must fail," but I haven't seen anything that stunk of failure from you, personally. You gotta realize there's thousands of modders who never even MANAGE a beta, let alone multiple complete and fully voice-acted quest mods.


And you think your Skyrim mod project sucks? Dude: IT'S SKYRIM. "It's just a linear on-rails hack and slash with no substance." Yes, that's SKYRIM. That's exactly why my heart drops every time I see a modder I like produce a project for Skyrim: there's NOTHING any amount of modding could possibly do for that game. I'm sorry to be so blunt for anyone who actually likes that piece of s#*!, but that's how it is, as far as I'm concerned.



Anyways, I wish you the best of luck and sure, if you feel you should take a break then absolutely: by all means do so, because you deserve one and I've never been one to think FORCING a project is a good idea. There's a difference between a product made with love and a product that was manufactured; this truth is proven a thousand times over every year as mainstream music often pales in comparison to lesser known artists and big companies like EA produce god awful cash cows with no actual substance. You should make something because you want to, not because you have to. But at least just take a break: don't go deleting your work on Firebase Zulu or whatever in a fit of depression, just take that break you want. You don't owe it to anyone to release it at any given date.

But know that I do think you underestimate just how appreciated your work was and how hard you're being on yourself I find to be entirely undeserved. This community will miss you, without a doubt in my mind, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I hope to see you again.

Oh and also f*#@ Skyrim. Don't waste your talent on that f*#@ing piece of s#*!.

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I play FNV for the first time, level 25, just finished the first DLC 15 mins ago. I can honestly say that NV Bounties I, that i did like 6 quests, are of the most fun moments i had in this game, to my level. The butcher dude was very interesting and damn he did quite a lot of damage, killed me cause i didn't expect him to hit that hard.


Loved the houses you put those dudes in, the beer house made me lough xD. Mattered to myself, there's a dude with good taste!


In short, i enjoy your mods,and already installed inheritance to continue the fun. Thank you and much appreciation to you for such good quality story lines, taking time from your life for people like us.


Respect, hope you do great in anything you do.

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Best of luck to you, Someguy.


It's clear that you've inspired the New Vegas modding community, and set a new standard for quest/adventure mods.


As sad as it is to read your message, its fully understandable. May you have the break you deserve.


Still... should you fully cease from creating new mods, perhaps you would be willing to post your notes somewhere? I'm sure the community would love to read your concepts for New Vegas Bounties III or Just a Courier.


Happy Trails

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No one here should be hurt or angry, the New Vegas Bounties where a great experience and we should be grateful for your hard work and efforts.


I think I know where you're coming from, the way you explained yourself I kind of felt as though I can relate. I have constantly been setting myself back on my own projects (my book not mods) I get this great inspiration out of nowhere. It can come from music, something I see in my life or even something off a TV show or film and I am inspired. But then I look back on it another day and I ask myself what the hell is this? And then I change my whole concept and scratch out all the scripts and scenes I've written and I completely change everything. When you're inspired you just ponder so much that eventually you have sequels and other stories and theories that lead on from it. Then that inspiration is gone and you just don't want to go back to it so you either drop it all together and get on with your personal life or you pick up another lump of inspiration from something else so bizarre and next thing you know you've done it again.


Like someone said on the thread it's a gift and a curse, but anyway best of luck to you man and I hope you get to where you want to be.

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Your mods are one of the few reasons I hung around New Vegas as much as I did. Good voice work, great writing, lots of fun. Very professional stuff.


Thank you for all the (successful) effort you put into these - you increased the value and playability of NV a thousand-fold.

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