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Some Loose Ideas


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When I first played fallout 3, I was very disappointed .. My first run was completed in ~10 hours, with a so-so share of side-quests. It felt rushed, unoriginal and simply unpolished.

Thankfully I came across this website which made my fallout3 experience a lot more enjoyable. (I mainly use realism/visual mods and a few game-enhancing mods which I have all of you to thank for!)

So, here I was, having a little brainstorm, they aren't really requests, but more of some ideas that people could give a go when they're bored or whatever :)


Why don't you do it yourself you ask? Simple, I don't have the time to tinker with GECK / Blender / NifSkope. The only thing I ever made was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdFF3tEl1tQ...re=channel_page (And that took too much time already! :P) so locations and stuff will be a little out of my league :P

So, some ideas:


Cigarette Dealer

Seriously, everyone in the wastes seems to smoke, you'd think that at one point someone would be smart enough to set up a little bussiness that sells cigarettes right? Obviously only in packs / cartons and you get a higher sellprice here when you sell them (if possible ofc).


Arms Factory

I highly doubt that all the factories were destroyed in the great war and not to mention that all the weapons have to come from somewhere. High quality weapons for a good price only and being able to repair your weapons to 100%. Guards seem like a logical idea aswell of course. Maybe an arms dealer or 2 in like Canterbury Commons / <insert random town here>


BoS Outposts

Hey, they had outposts in fallout 2 aswell .. they don't have to be big .. But seeing they've been there for so long already in DC you'd think they would have at least an outposts or 2 in the bigger cities or near them, if only for the sake of recruiting wastelanders / stay up to date with what's going on. To keep it story-friendly (BoS forces being thin spreaded as it is) I'd say leaving it at 1 or 2 people would be enough (like in Fallout 2).


Drugs Lab

Where do all the drugs come from? In Fallout 2 they had a drugs lab which explained where it came from and how it spreaded. At least some sort of supplier which makes it a little more logical would be appreciated. (Unless you have a really good explanation of how drugs created in Oregon travelled all the way to D.C intact without anyone making more and/or using it all up) .. Getting superstimpacks and stuff here sounds like a good idea too.


Obviously, you could go as far as you want with these above ideas. Like create a new town (creating towns in general is a good idea as it feels like all the attention was focussed on D.C. and hardly on the rest) which has these buildings. Creating quests like "collect 20 cartons for <reward>" and so on.


I don't think a great deal of GECK knowledge would be needed to create these things so anyone could have a go at it..


Like I said, they're just ideas, not really requests, do with them as you please.. Maybe I'll add some more when I have another creative moment, lol.

If anyone works something out leave me a pm or smt and I'll leave a link in the message.

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I like some of them. I may just make the Cigarette Dealer. Simple enough really. The Arms Factory would be a little more work, but I may have a go at it too. The BoS Outposts I don't think would fit in. They are concentrating on ridding DC of Super Mutants, so I'm not interested there. As for the Drug Lab, check out the Mr Lab Technician mod. It allows the player to brew up some things at your home. Kind of doing something along the lines of what you want. Very cool mod though.
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I like some of them. I may just make the Cigarette Dealer. Simple enough really. The Arms Factory would be a little more work, but I may have a go at it too. The BoS Outposts I don't think would fit in. They are concentrating on ridding DC of Super Mutants, so I'm not interested there. As for the Drug Lab, check out the Mr Lab Technician mod. It allows the player to brew up some things at your home. Kind of doing something along the lines of what you want. Very cool mod though.


Well if only cuz of recent events with the enclave, you'd guess they'd set up an outpost somewhere if only to warn for incoming vertibirds of the enclave and so on. But that's up to you ofc. As for the mod, nice find, but wasn't exactly what I meant, that mod concentrates on you creating your own drugs, not a drugsupplier for the wasteland as a source of where the drugs came from. But it's close enough :P


very nice idea.

It would be great to find a great drug lab with slaves and Myron turned in ghoul.

Well i m not a modder unfortunately...


Well, seeing according to Fallout lore Myron gets shot in the Den and forgotten like a year later after his adventures with the Chosen One, that wouldn't make much sense. However, you could make it like it is a descendant of Myron (Myron had slaves there to test drugs .. surely one of them was attractive and got pregnant of Myron, for example) or a former coworker of Myron or whatever .. That travelled with the BoS to DC to take his chances there of getting rich.. (But got tolerated by the BoS on their travels as he could supply medical help / create medical supplies aswell)


Just thinking out loud here obviously.

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