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Zombie Infestion - Quest


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I have the best idea, but it will take some time, and some skill.


You decide you need to fall asleep, (Blip), but you decide you have to resist it. Then your screen goes all blurry, (Cripple of the head), and you fall down and pass out. (Like when the enclave capture you after rescuing Fawkes.) And you wake up 1 month later with Zombie's surrounding you! (Mesh from oblivion zombies). Once your done killing them, you receive a Distress Signal like the one from the movie 'I am Legend'. You get a map marker called Survival Camp. You go in the camp and a guy says 'Wait, your that one guy from vault 101, you can save the wasteland and find the cure!' Then he gives you the map markers to Arefu, Big Town, Rivet City, Megaton or Tenpenny Tower. (Depending on which you live in) He also gives you the list of ingredients for the cure. Which is: The Vodka of Redemption, The Surgical Tubing Healing, The Blood Pack of Poisoning, The Water of Life, and 'The Diamond of Steel'. All in the Misc section, and all Quest Items. He also gives you follower which are brothers. They can only get knocked out, they never turn on you.


First you have to go to Megaton/Tenpenny. But you go inside and theres zombies EVERYWHERE. You get a blip saying to go to go to your house to check on it. You go in, and a random megaton/tenpenny settler is in their terrified. They have The Water of Life. You have to convince them to give it to you,


then once you get it you leave for rivet city. You have to head for the muddy rudder. (Blip says to see whats going on in the muddy rudder.) Another random rivet city person is their. But is for some reason relaxed. He gives you vodka. Which is The Vodka of Redemtion.


Next up, Arefu. Once you arrive, their is dead bodies everywhere. And the family is there. They ask what your doing here, and you ask what they did. They decided to finally raid there city and devour them. They give you The Blood Pack of Poisoning. If you kill them, you get good karma.


Next to last, Big town. A patient in reds clinic is the last survivor. Only medicine skill can revive them. They are thankfull you revived them. They give you The Surgical Tubing Healing.



Last up, The manhole. Randomly added to the map at the end of collecting these items. (Other than the diamond) There is the Leader of the BoS thought to be dead.. Thought to be dead. He is wearing white power armor with a black cross on it. (T-51b) He is crazy. VERY. At the end of the dialouge, he dies, randomly. You loot his body for the armor and diamond. You return to the camp, the camp is destroyed, everyones dead. You find the greeting person, (The one who greeted you when you walking in and gave you the two followers), dead. You loot his body for the note and it says 'Pinkerton'. That's it. You go to pinkerton, and he says theres one more ingrediant. The life of a 1 month survivor. (It can't be you or Pinkerton of course) It has to be one of your followers. The one you choose gets sent into a glass room wear zombies tear him apart. The other brother runs in with him and tries to save him. But they both die. Then Pinkerton release the cure into the water (You dont see him) And the capitol wasteland is cured.

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