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Mod Request: sunrise an 5 a.m.


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Could someone please do a mod for Witcher 3 with sunrise at 5 a.m. instead of 3 a.m.? The game mechanics suggests that morning must start at 5 a.m. because bandits are appearing in Novigrad until this time and stores are open at 5 a.m. - in Medieval times people started working at sunrise. So actual sunrise looks not corresponding with people's shedule.


P.S. Old-Gen, please.

Edited by Sorceress111
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That's sad :(

I found only a file which changes requirements for the time icon change - for morning/day/etc. It even doesn't correspond with sunrises and all that, by the way. For example morning appears at 4 a.m. on the icon. But if we count an hour of twilight before the sunrise as morning, and an hour of twilight after the sunset as evening, it also suggests a sunrise at 5 a.m. Morning hours are 4 a.m. to 10 a.m. on the icon. (And evening hours are 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.)

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kann es sein, daß Sonnenaufgang und Untergang in den Welt-Dateien fixiert wird?

in der alle Häuser, Truhen, Bäume usw stehen?


die Wettersimulation läuft ja über spährisch dargestellte Wolken und Himmelbilder und wird in den Wetter.csv mit Regen, Nebel usw fixiert.


aber diese Daten projektieren ja nur das Wetter an den Himmel.


irgendwann hatte ich in einer Mod-Beschreibung mal gelesen, das dort der geographische Sonnenaufgangspunkt, Untergangspunkt für die Weißgarten Welt gefixt wurde, also Aufgang im Osten der Karte, deswegen denke ich, das auch die Zeit dort fixiert ist.

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