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Alternate start to DB destruction quest


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Hey all,


So this is my first time posting in any of the Nexus forums woo!


Anywho, I was wondering if it was possible for there to be an alternate method of getting the "destroy the Dark brotherhood" quest outside of murdering Grelod the Kind. I ran into this problem when I was roleplaying a saintly knight/paladin character, and I kept getting attacked by DB assassins, and wanted to end their terror, but my character would never have agreed to killing Grelod, regardless of how horrid she is.


So I suppose my request would be another method, such as you read the contract off the body of a DB assassin and that starts the quest, or a modified vein of the quest that eventually leads to Commander Maro and the DB sanctuary, except Astrid would also have to be at the sanctuary as you would not have killed her.


Thank you in advance to anyone that wants to take this on!



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I have a mod on where you can instead report Grelod to a guard outside an he goes to arrest her, but she throws a spaz and gets killed. You still get kidnapped, but at least you know you didn't do anything wrong :) Here it is: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39555/?

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