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Dialogue problem


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I was working on a really good looking mod that took place in seyda neen, changing the pond near the roadsigns into a tent with an orc trader named cob, he got to morrowind by boat from a trading junk (dongles module) the junkhad an interior unique npcs a captain and crew who all spoke about cob and a log of what the junk had been doing for the last year (shipments etc) it was so perfect up untill i realised that when I clicked on "background" everybody said what my buddy cob said. this got me angry and i knew i made a stupid mistake so i deleted it and got mad at myself and now i`m asking you guys:


what the hell did i do wrong?! :cry2:

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I did almost that exact same thing with the background topic myself.


In the dialogue editor you need to make a new info/response to the background topic, and select in the speaker conditions your NPC's ID


you should put your dialogue (i believe) at the Top of the list (in the background topic there's only one response for all characters). If i remember right the game checks the conditions from the top of the list and works it's way down, selecting the first one that meets the conditions. If you put your response below it it won't come up because the generic one would be found first.


The normal response is:


I am %name, %class


with a disp of 30 and funtion/variable set at Not Loca,l NoLore = 0

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oh okay, last night after this problem and after i deleted my plugin I made a quick little house on seyda neen and loaded up the game and guess what happened? the interior was fine but the exterior wasnt! all that was there was a chiumney, a window and a door and a doorframe!! urghh this is really frustrating me!
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