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SkyRe Enchanting Broken?


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hm....i experimented a bit with the community uncapper now and somehow "solved" it...


if you open the community uncapper at (at least for me)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins


and change


iEnchanting= 300

iMaxEnchantingLevelForMagnitude= 300


then open up the console ingame and use

player.modav Enchanting 150

(150 which you can aquire via normal enchanting + these extra 150 to make your enchantments more than just weaker than vanilla gear)


then i get the values i was looking for.

(its almost 25%dmg/25%magicka regen + 100%magicka regen)

it seems that in the skyre enchant formula is messed up in a way that your enchant skill level is halved or something...

(if you wanna get better enchants than vanilla found items just tweak the values above to a level which fits you more)


what i wanna point out is....im sure found (non unique) items are surely not supposed to be better than anything you are able to enchant with your max enchantment lvl and maxed out perk


i hope someone finds a better way to fix this! :)

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Oh, because you cannot overpower yourself with an exploitable enchanting system, you slander the mod.




If you want an alternative, try Enchanting Awakened. It has a SkyRe version.

No no no... I'm no looking for Uber enchantment possibilities. I'm just looking for a BOOST. but no matter the skill OR the soul gem, there is no change in what power-level you can create.

And yes, Soul gems' power level DO have an effect. You get higher values with a grand gem in comparison to a petty gem. Other wise what's the point of having "leveled" gems if they would have no effect on the value?


The developer of SkyRe f'ed up the formula to to create enchantments, and OFCOURSE ones skill level in enchantment should have an impact on the powerlevel. Just not in the way of getting 30k+ when you have like 500 enchantment skill. But more balanced at least.


Enchanting is a big enough part of skyrim that ditching SkyRe is a sensible act when it DOES NOT WORK RIGHT...


SkyRe is awesome, no doubt, but if the enchanting system is as broken as it is with SkyRe installed, then why should i waste my time with SkyRe?

I LOOOVEE to enchant. It's one of the main reasons most players survive in the first place anyways.


But hey, if you like that one of the main mechanics of the game is broken because of poor scripting, then SkyRe is JUST for you then.

But i'm gonna go without this broken crap... until fixed.

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same problem here....

the point is not making ridiculous strong enchantments but it is just stupid that if you got your enchantment skill capped on 150 got all the perks and most of the damn items you find in some stupid cave are better than you can enchant it yourself...

/ for mage characters - some master robe with 25%dmg on destruction skills + 125% magica regeneration

-best you can do with 150enchantment and skyre is something like (first effect) 15% dmg + 25% magica regen + (second effect) someting like 50% magicka regeneration

ON DREAMCLOTH GEAR (which is boosted by 30%)


wanna enchant my tribunal robes :sad:


some1 knows how to fix this?

It isn`t quite that bad.


150% enchanting + all perks + dreamcloth is 27% on magic skill power + 25% regen + 109% magicka regen on second enchantment (134% regen total). Archmage robes have +20% on everything / 50 magicka / 100% regen. Personally I find whole enchanting business problematic, because if it is worth it, field loot becomes useless. And if it is not worth it, skill becomes pointless. Maybe it would be better if enchanting was like smithing where you can refine an item to a more powerful state... But I digress.

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