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Walking Automaton - House


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I don't know if it is viable but some house modes already include a moving component so I wondered if it is possible to make a toned down Numidium, a sort of huge Dwemer Centurion that has a player home inside. The external graphics can be simply that of a Centurion while the inside should be the classic Dwemer theme, bar the stone walls. I would find such a house very interesting especially if it provides the player a chance to control (aka become) the walking automaton in this case. In short a walking, mobile player home with a strong dwemer and technological theme.

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Not my type of player home but a good idea nevertheless but this gave me an idea, how about someone makes a wood elf themed player home.


"Sprawling across both banks of the river stood the mighty graht-oak city, with groves and orchards of lesser trees crowding it like supplicants before their king."A Dance in Fire, Book II Graht-oaks are giant migratory trees that house Bosmeri cities in Valenwood.[1][2] The Graht-oaks were allowed to move by magic that was invoked in the Dawn Era.[1] Got that from the Elder Scrolls Wiki :tongue: But I think you could have a miniture graht oak player home and you could move it like the Fallout New Vegas Truck Mod- http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50978/?

Edited by FireyLava
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