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Millenia Weapon Replacers


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Playing through Tale of Two Wastelands I realized how bad the vanilla Fallout 3 weapons look when compared to my Assault Rifle replacer made by Millenia (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51087/?)


If someone was given permission by him would it be possible to for that person to "replace" the other vanilla Fallout 3 weapons with his other mods (The Chinese Assault Rifle with his AK-47, the .32 Revolver with his smith and wesson, the .44 magnum with the Taurus Raging Bull, Sniper Rifle with the L96, etc.)


Thank you for your time :)

Edited by gzito123
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  • 7 months later...

You'd just change it so that the model used for the weapon is Millenia's model instead of the one in game.

It is very simple to do.


How do you do it in geck?

plus, what if in addition to the nif i wnat to change the characteristics of the weapon I'm replacing?

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How do you do it in geck?

plus, what if in addition to the nif i wnat to change the characteristics of the weapon I'm replacing?

There's a ton of tutorials, just google geck weapon tutorial or punch it into youtube. All the stat's are on the weapon form and the art and sound tab contain the models.

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How do you do it in geck?

There's a ton of tutorials, just google geck weapon tutorial or punch it into youtube.


I know, but those are about "adding" a new weapon, i meant replacing an existing one... i guess its not the same process...

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I know, but those are about "adding" a new weapon, i meant replacing an existing one... i guess its not the same process...

Nope your just punching in the numbers on the weapon forms (and model paths), whether that form is an old one your editing or a new one you'v just created. There's a *lot* of tutorials out there.....you'd be hard pressed to miss them. Here is one of many examples;








and a link to the Geck's weapon page.

It's a lot more efficient for you to watch them, than for forum members to try to walk you through what is best taught in a visual medium. In addition it's much more efficient for a beginner to check out a tutorial than for forum members to address basic questions for each beginner (that's the purpose of a tutorial) repetitively.

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thanks for your patience,

so its a simple matter of editing the nif and textures using the same name as the weapon to be replaced...

sorry but since no one wrote it this way in any tutorial i saw i was asking if there was any difference, that's all...

i feared there could be some extra step i should've known.

(i don't like trial and error that much)

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