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All my mods disappeared


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I am at a total loss. I spent several days while I was off during the holidays modding both Skyrim and Skyrim SE with multiple new mods. I just got on my main PC last night where I did all that work and in both cases it appears as if I have fresh installs of the games and all the mods are gone from Vortex (as well as not showing in the file folders for the games). LOOT reports the same, but Vortex is giving errors such as its detecting settings for FNIS but the mod itself is gone. I cannot think of anything I could have done to trigger this. I have been off and on these programs since their release and have modded periodically but this is has never occurred before. I was also spending some time on Fallout 4, which seems to still be intact and showing its mods. Vortex is reporting 0 active mods for both Skyrim editions now, although there should be at least 75+ for both. I am using the latest version of Vortex on 64bit Windows 10 desktop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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