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The 5651rst Requiem, SkyRE, and questions thread


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Oi Mates!

The title sorta explains what I'm about to talk about... well, not really, but anyway;...


I've been thinking about grabbing one of these overhauls. Since I'm horrible at decision making, I thought I'd ask the community, what does one have that the other does not, and that sorta question.


I am inclined to picking SkyRE, because of the perks. I just love perks, so many perks! PERKS, so I'm thinking of asking; On a side not, if I do pick SkyRE, are there mods that can implement the good old RPG hardcore game elements that requiem adds to the game, which are compatible with the latter? Some sort of unleveled enemy and loot, or some sort of regeneration system overhaul, something that can make me game look as if the two mods were merged in a soup of blissful goodness.

Thanks to anyone in advance, and on the off-chance of this thread dying with 0 replies (Like my last thread :P), Thank you for at least considering to read this here trade mate.

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SkyRE is easy modern game that holds your hand, Requiem is hardcore and kills you for its amusement often. This isn't saying either of them is bad :D I like them both, just saying how it is.


Perks are very important in requiem, much more so than in SkyRE. You can't do anything without perks and yuo really have to choose which ones to get.

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It depends largely on what kind of games you like and what kind of mods you like. I use a program for multiple skyrim installs, and have one of both requiem and SkyRe running, and I can give you a few pointers.


Requiem is more of "specialist" overhaul, it limits the choices you can make in the game through sheer challenge, if you want to survive in skyrim you have to learn the ways of skyrim and adapt to it. SkyRe is the exact opposite, it's all about choices, and adapting the entire game around you and your choices. You can do almost anything in SkyRe and always manage to have an edge on any enemy you fight at any level in the game. Requiem is nothing like this, if you make bad choices, the game will punish the hell out of you for them, and if you fight the wrong enemy with the wrong gear at the wrong level, you has literally impossible odds. But Requiem has this beautiful reward system, not anything direct and AMAZING, but it has this simple realistic way of rewarding you for your hard work, if you put a lot of effort into a skill that doesn't help you much at the start, it can pay you back by being super helpful late in the game. In addition the raw powers of weapons and armor plays far more into the game. In SkyRe, almost all weapons and armor feel identical, they are all very balanced, and no matter what class of weapon or armor you pick, with the right perks you can get your characters stats up to be very similar. In Requiem having a great set of armor can give you an edge over most any other human enemy, and having a great weapon can give you insane damage output, as long as you have the one perk in the perk tree.


Requiem and SkyRe have vastly different ways of doing the perks as well. Requiem basically prevents you from using a skill unless you put at least one perk into a skill tree, it also starts all your skills that your race isn't specialized in at 5 instead of 15. It does have a great system of balancing this though. You start with no spells at all, but one you get a perk in a spell skill tree, it gives you a spell(s) with the perk atomically. It also gives you 3 perk points at the start of the game, instead of starting you with none, so you can pick which skills you wan to start with. SkyRe is basically a candy store, it has TONS of crazy, weird, useful, and overpowered perks for you to choose form in every single skill tree, no matter what you do you can't miss. Every other perk gives you some near-game breaking ability that's fun as hell to use. Though the result of this is, unless you totally avoid getting any game breaking perks at all, by 8 hours into the game on legendary, you are level 30 and can kill anything in the entire game without much trouble at all.


As for modding, SkyRe is very customizable and highly compatible with a lot of mods, it's patching system Reproccer says it can patch any weapon or armor to fit the game, but the result ends up usually being overpowered or underpowered, and rarely feels balanced with the game, though as I said, a few armor poitns actually means very little at all in skyre anyways.


Requiem is again, the total opposite. It's very set in it's ways, it's not modular at all, and despite being very costumizable through it's in game menu is incompatible with a LOT of mods. Basically any mod that adds/edits anything that plays a physical part in the gameplay itself. If it adds edits NPCs/armor/weapons/combat/almost anything it will clash because requiem edits almost EVERYTHING in the entire game. However, some of the mods that go best with requiem are compatible or have a patch, so in the end you only NEED a few mods anyways. The result of this is a MUCH more stable game, in nearly 10 hours of gameplay on my most recent character I only ever had one crash while actually playing, and it was after Skyrim had been on for like, 4-5 hours straight.


Some highlights of mods you can use with Requiem

Immersive Creatures, Immersive Weapons, Immersive Armor - these three mods all have patches for requiem, and add a ton to the game, and in the case of SIC, adding additional difficulty.

Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Diseases, Dynamic Stuff - This lot overhaul the feel of the world. Frostfall and RND make the world feel harsh and unforgiving, and really go well with Requiem's ultra realistic way of handling everything else int he world (in fact, requiem feels a bit dry without these two) Dynamic Stuff does a lot of fun little changes that make the world feel more alive, one of the best being it make sit so training dummies and targets can give you a modifiable amount of EXP, which is a GREAT for low levels in requiem. It does a lot of other stuff which goes WONDERFULLY with frostfall, like dynamically cutting down trees and bushes for firewood! It also makes a lot of things that should be containers in the game actually containers, like barrels, creates, woodpiles, and more.

iHUD, warburgs map(no player marker option) and Locational Damage - These two may seem randomly slapped together, but they aren't really. Warburgs map has such a rustic realistic feel to it, and if you take off the player marker is very immersive and adds tons to the feel of requiem. Combine this with iHUD to disable the compass and crosshairs and suddenly "adventuring" takes on a whole new meaning. Lastly, Locational Damage makes combat way quicker in the game by making hitting certian body parts do certian things, shooting someone in the head with an arrow for example, will probably kill them. Shooting someone in the foot probably won't, but they won't be getting away from youa s fast. But it unbalances things a little, since you can aim at enemies and they don't have any clue how to aim at certain parts of you. iHUD fixes that with the disabled crosshair, now you have to guess about your shot just as much as your enemies!


Also, I recently made a beta patch for Organized Bandits In Skyrim and Requiem, these two go well together too!


Other then that, visual, aesthetic mods, lighting and weather mods all are 100% compatible with requiem. I personally use Climates of Tamriel, Supreme Storms, Enhanced Lighting and FX, Ultimate Lighting Overhaul, and Minty's Lighting for the atmosphere, combined with Dynavision to blur out the distance so I don't have the mess with any of those glitch methods of improving distant terrain (though I do swear by that distant animate waterfalls mod!)I also use AMBs book of silence, and 2k textures. This has nothing to do with requiem, but I find a super realistic looking world that's as stable as requiem itself is helps to compliment the world beautifully.

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Wow, thanks for that amazing answer! :D

Some of the mods you listed were already on my must get list.

I have further questions about mod compatibility with requiem.

Do spell mods work with requiem? Is there a mod that adds the great variety of new weapon types in skyRE's perk system to requiem? Can I use mods like Amazing follower tweaks, Convenient horses, Duel combat realism, Trade and Barter, mods that change the leveled list in some way, and crafting mods like melt down everything or deadly mutilation?


At the end of the day I just want more and MORE content, but still with hardcore difficulty. Thanks :tongue:



Edited by itsthecrazydude
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Wow, thanks for that amazing answer! :D

Some of the mods you listed were already on my must get list.

I have further questions about mod compatibility with requiem.

Do spell mods work with requiem? Is there a mod that adds the great variety of new weapon types in skyRE's perk system to requiem? Can I use mods like Amazing follower tweaks, Convenient horses, Duel combat realism, Trade and Barter, mods that change the leveled list in some way, and crafting mods like melt down everything or deadly mutilation?


At the end of the day I just want more and MORE content, but still with hardcore difficulty. Thanks :tongue:







I don't know understand why so many people are repeating these topics of "SkyRE vs. Requiem" recently. Most likely because it's the holiday season and people are getting new gaming computers and have more free time.


To answer your question, most weapon adding mods need a patch for requiem so they are not overpowered or underpowered. SkyRe is a little simpler with it's SkyProc.


If you want more difficulty in the game, use ERSO (Google it, it is no longer on the nexus unfortunately) along with SkyRe, it makes it almost as hard as Requiem. There is also a no health regeneration mod you can check out.


Any follower overhaul mod is overpowered by default, however I am working on that...


Duel - Combat Realism should work with both mods as long as it is loaded after them.


I believe Deadly mutilation requires a patch for Requiem, but be careful with that mod because it can cause script errors.


My personal preference in SkyRe Main+Survivalism+uncapper ini with Frostfall. I use other mods that cover the other modules. Then I use ERSO encounter zones along with UDE, Enhanced AI, OBIS, and Immersive Creatures (All DLC's) on Legendary and I have an difficulty experience comparable to that of Requiem with more compatibility.


I suggest you do some serious research on the mods you want to use to check for incompatibilities and bugs. Most new PC gamers just start the game with every mod they want without cleaning them, sorting them, and SkyPro'ing properly. Play it smart and you will have an experience like no other.

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Wow, thanks for that amazing answer! :D

Some of the mods you listed were already on my must get list.

I have further questions about mod compatibility with requiem.

Do spell mods work with requiem? Is there a mod that adds the great variety of new weapon types in skyRE's perk system to requiem? Can I use mods like Amazing follower tweaks, Convenient horses, Duel combat realism, Trade and Barter, mods that change the leveled list in some way, and crafting mods like melt down everything or deadly mutilation?


At the end of the day I just want more and MORE content, but still with hardcore difficulty. Thanks :tongue:






most of the weapons in SkyRe are already in Requiem, or can be added in through Immersive Weapons (which is the source of SkyRes new weapons if I am not mistaken)


Also, I don't think magic mods work that well with requiem, it totally redoes how magic works to the core, most spells are change drastically, even down to how you cast them, for example a healing spell doesn't heal you actively while you hold it down, but instead heals you slowly over time while active, and reduces your incoming damage slightly (I think, it does something like that) Mostly, it makes it so you can't spam spells in battle, it makes a "pure mage" character very hard, however... For the most part, if you avoid spells that add powerful attack based spells, you might be alright, really all you can do is do a test a run and if they feel to broken then don't use them. ^_^ I think some, like Midas Magic, should be somewhat fair.


Also, I personally find requiems "patch and forget" method of adding mods, as oppose to SkyRe's dynamically creating a new patch anytime you do anything more convenient. Requiem will never be as widely compatible with mods as SkyRe, it's just how it is. ^_^


I do have to say, ESRO does add a lot to SkyRe, but it just makes it feel more like "Every enemy is GOD" I made an install absed around the two of them, and it took me two hours to kill the first dragon I encountered. lol Requiem is not about just making the game hard as hell. If you do want hard as hell, SkyRe + ESRO maximum difficulty options + Locational Damage on legendary difficult is probably the single most insanely difficult mod set up imaginable, but having to spend 20 minutes to kill two bandits is just not my idea of what "enjoyable hard" should be. =[ Requiem is hard, but 90% of battles are over in seconds, so even if you do a dozen times, it's not tedious. Better two die and have to repeat 30 seconds a dozen times then die and repeat 30 minutes 4-5 times! XD Just my opinion though, I hate having to redo stuff over and over.

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Gah, if I do end up playing requiem I hope the mods for spells I have are compatible. I'm a huge fan of mages and magic in fantasy (Kinda fortuitous that I got this RPG quizz signature first try), So I guess I'll have to test it out.

SkyRE with mods to make it feel like requiem, and requiem with mods to make it feel as compatible as mod compatible as SkyRE, is what I will go for, and I'm taking notes about your suggestions, but I'm still researching (Bare with meh, lol)


DemongelRex's approach sounds interesting, and I can't wait to hear about that follower overhaul thing you seem to be working on.


Again, if anyone has any suggestions for mods I can use with SkyRE that could help simulate the requiem experience, that would be great, as I do prefer modular overhauls, and SkyRE seems to fit.

TBH I've heard a lot of good about requiem, so I am terribly torn between them, and have been looking into them and other mods I can use with them for a while. But as I said in my first post, I'm terrible at making decisions, What a great "quality" :smile:






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Try Skyrim Installation Swapper (though I think it might blow up when used with NMM, I personally use WryeBash instead so I'm not sure)



You can try requiem and skyre, and swap between the two, and have totally separate save files, inis, textures, pretty much anything, and swapping them is as simple as clicking a button and waiting (it can take a while if you have a lot of HQ textures and stuff) And I personally wouldn't add new magic mods to requim besides midas magic, because requiem changes magic so much, you get spells differently, you use them differently, it's so... different. Midas magic is very different as well, and needing a gold ingot for every spell is pretty balanced, though you can forge a gold ingot with 200 gold pieces, but I am pretty sure it removes the transmute spell which lets you turn your 50 iron ingots into a ton of alteration EXP and gold ingots! XD


I personally say, if you are torn, SkyRe may be your better choice. I like Requiem a lot better myself, because the balance is so... 'beautiful' lol so much effort went into making everything feel fair, balanced, and insanely hard. SkyRe is deeply costumizable, and you can get your exactly experience with enough effort, but I reinstalled it probably 8 times before I found one I like enough to stick with it. SkyRe is a lot more "do it yourself, and fix your own problems" and Requiem is a lot more "plug and play" I just got tired of dealing with problems and weirdness, and requiem has basically zero glitches, abnormalities, or missed issues. Every aspect is crafted to fit with every other. Which is why nothing is compatible with it, unless it just adds more variety to it. lol I can say, you can't really ever make one feel like the other. You can make SkyRe hard AS requiem, but it won't feel ANYTHING like it. You can't really make Requiem feel anything like SkyRe either. XD


I've actually been knocking an idea around, about trying to move SkyRe's perk system into Requiem's game design (sense the actually perks themselves for Requiem aren't that interesting) Though the work that would need to go into that sounds insane, and I doubt that the modders behind the two biggest rival overhauls would be super keen on them being sploshed together by an amateur. XD!

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Alright, I'm going to look into mods to customize my SkyRE experience into a more hardcore RPG feel. Dark souls time.

On your last paragraph, I've had that idea too, and in all honesty, I was considering starting to mod just for that. I know it would take lots of work, but merging the strong points of the two major overhauls on the nexus sounds both rewarding and a feat on itself.

I might hold the thought of starting to mod for this, or hopefully someone else is already doing that as we speak, since these SkyRE VS Requiem threads have become somewhat constant





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