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Ambient Gang - New Gang Hideout relationships


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I post this here because the Ambient Gang mod does not have a POSTS tab, so maybe we could start discussing this mod here.

This is a tutorial to fix some issues.



Don't you guys encounter some silly situations with this mod ?

  • - Saint-Denis lawmen executing the prisoners as you walk in
  • - Van Horn in constant war
  • - A lawman killing a bounty that is on your shoulder, ready to be dropped in the cell (this is from other mods, AMJM and Bounties Enhanced) and collect your money.

If any of those ring a bell and want to fix it I managed to do it.

I installed Ambient Gang first, then New gang Hideouts, nothing more (Except I disabled the changes to Thieves Landing and Twin Rocks by deleting the script and deleting the corresponding Scenarios as I wanted to keep Del Lobo here, and I also disabled Pleasance, it didn't work anyway for some reason and caused AMJM to not spawn the gang hideout from this mod).

So basically I deleted NoTwinRocksThievesLandingScripts.asi, thieves_landing.ymt and twinrock.ymt, and pleasance_house.ymt. The only hideout left is Colter .



You can actually choose the relationships between all NPCs in the game, so you should be able to fix the never ending war in VH, the Bounties and prisoners murders, and so on.
You have to edit the relationships.meta file. It contains how every "gang" or group interract with each other, Respect, Like, Ignore, Dislike, Hate (hate = the NPCs shoots the other "gang" member.

I put gang in "" because along with the existing and added gangs, a lot of NPCs are supported by this mod. e.g. Civil Male, Lawman, Van Horn citizen, Wanted Criminals, Guards, Etc.
And for each of these gang, the author defined the relationship they have with other "gangs", this is why the file is so large (8000 lines of XML).
There is 113 "gangs" in total.




So first thing for example, I wanted the roaming O'Driscolls to attack me on sight (Hate me) so I search where the relationship between the two "gangs" that are Player and Odriscolls was defined, and changed DISLIKE to HATE

Now I wanted to fix the problems above, so for example I changed "Hate" between Van Horn Thugs and Van Horn Citizen to "dislike", and no more constant war. Same for the lawmen, I think the lawmen should not attack anyone first, so I went to the Cops gang section and changed all the Hate to Dislike.


I'll share my config so you can look at it, keep in mind every relationship between two groups are editable. I suggest you use a Compare file software (npp, Winmerge) if you want to see the differences between my file and the default one. e.g. I edited lines 234, 238, 344, 348.

Maybe this post could start discussions about this mod because the author did not allow a Posts section

relationships.meta : https://pastebin.com/QiyUudzG

Thanks to @Blackjacks420n for putting me on the right path on the how-to, and for this mod in general.



---------------   EDIT 20240824

I just had a typical case of wanting to alter 2 gang's relationships, plus I had to find out which gang in the file handles the Del Lobo gang because it's unclear (actually it's UNIBANDIT something), I was captured the process to further illustrate my issues on posts I made "How to know which "Gang" the Wagon's bounties belong ? ord and "What is Del Lobo's NPCs refered to in Ambient Gangs mod ?"

If you're interested, here is pretty much the whole ordeal , the captures speak for themselves I guess


Ambient Gang's mod roaming members attacking my caged bounties : 



Bounties Enhanced mod, how to get the prisoner's Gang : 




Ambient gang mod, UNIBANDITOS = DEL_LOBOS : 





Edited by filosophem
correction (duplicate text)
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One of my favorite mods! Thanks! Tell me what needs to be edited so that the Colter bandits attack John: now they are completely indifferent and, in response to John's insults, cowardly run away without firing a single shot! In such a case, they are completely useless and not interesting in the game! Once again THANKS!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if the mod adds new "gangs", IDK what gang are colter, if they are a gang.

Tbh I have not been there with john, I'll try it


Look for every <RelGroupName> occurence in the file, you'll get the gangs list, maybe it's in there

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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)


I encountered some compatibility issues between Bounties Extended and Ambient Gangs mods (Some roaming "Ambient's Gang" gangsters attacking my "Bounty Enhanced" prisoners)

I was a little rusty, I just started a new game, but documented the process of trying find where the problem came from using screen capture, put the links in the OP if interested

help yourselves


Edited by filosophem
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