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start as liberty prime


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I want to play as a small version of liberty prime. There are a few mods around that let you have a follower, but I want to play as Liberty prime.


This is the idea, You have a few levels to gain exp from, but you start out and you can select a few perks to shape your character. If you have a mid lvl of explosives/big guns you have a rocket launcher, if you have higher lvl of both you get a fat man. at high lvls you get the special fat man. Same idea with energy weapons. Low lvls get you standard energy weapon like on regular robots, mid lvl gets you plasma cannon and a very high lvl of energy weapons gives you the liberty prime weapon (scaled down a lil bit)


Im not sure about small guns but perhaps if you get the sniper perk you get a sniper rifle like mounted on your shoulder, or if you get say the pyro perk you get a flamer, and if you get a perk called "multiple targets" you can get either a chain gun or Gatling laser


A few wording changed like the barkskin one...

As far as armor, it would be like power armor, The toughness perk would be worded like "with scavenged armor you have managed to increase your armor rating"...

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well I got the armor, and Im looking into how or what I can do with it to make my mod...the laser effects coming from the field of vision is in an issue...maybe it will be more like a mega man or have like 2 "eyes" like its a proto type and it needs an eye and the 2nd one is for the laser, because they didnt have the technology to do both in the same...for the prototype at least...idk any suggestions?
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