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Becoming a werewolf after curing


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Before anyone hurls fireballs at me i did a search on the forums but couldn't find anything.


That being said is it possible without using a mod to become a werewolf again AFTER curing it. I checked the editor and tried setting some of the variables but i couldn't get it to work. If anyone knows how to do this can you give me the console commands and scripts i need to run.


If it isn't possible ingame and is by modding the game could you please tell me what would need setting up to do this. Any help anyone can give would be appreciated.


And if anyone is wondering why i want this i started a werewolf from level one and now she can't do the main bloodmoon quest proper. Due to werewolf realism i CAN do part of it but it skips a good 3 or 4 quests that are done when your human.

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I'm aware of Hircine's ring and i suppose i should have mentioned that before. But the whole idea is to be a werewolf by nature not a human that has some magic ring to transform. Also with werewolf realism (a mod) you get stat bonuses for being a werewolf much like a vampire does. Plus the ability to transform to and from werewolf form at will (you can be a werewolf for only 5 seconds if you want). Call me crazy but i think these things highly outweigh the possibility of transforming into a werewolf for 9 consecutive hours.


Besides i enjoy transforming to a werewolf for just a minute to kill that man with the shiny ebony armor before changing straight back and pilfering it for my collection. So in short i'm still after a way to become a werewolf after being cured of it.

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There are several mods to do with werewolves that let you play as one from the start. I don't play as a werewolf myself so I have never investigated them but it might be worthwhile checking the bigger mod forums to see if there is one that can do what you want. You can give yourself the disease even after you have been cured but I assume that wouldn't give you the flexibility you are looking for.


player->addspell "werewolf blood"

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As i said in my first post i am using a mod to allow that but it skips a couple quests which is kinda annoying although in the end i might just have to skip them. I'll check around for more werewolf mods but i think i've checked them all out. There really isn't that many that modify the actual game dialogue and quests to allow you to play through the bloodmoon main quest. The problem you get if you try to do that is all the skaal people say your a werewolf go away and they don't give you a option to talk its just a "Goodbye" in the dialogue. Werewolf realism modifys this but by doing so it skips about 3 quests that are done when your a human before it continues to the werewolf quests.


I tried adding the disease again after being cured via the console but theres a check implimented in the werewolf scripts to stop you from becoming one again. So even if you wait a year you'll never become a werewolf. I've also tried setting the variable "PCWereWolf" to 0 but that didn't work. In the editor the script for the werewolf change says -1 is you've been cured, 0 is normal and 1 is your a werewolf. I tried all 3 and no dice, if i had any knowledge in scripting i could probably create a script to ignore the checks and run the werewolf one but alas i'm hopeless with scripting and i know there's tutorials but not everyone can understand that stuff good enough.


Anyway thanks for your help I'm just going to keep playing for now and ignore the bloodmoon quest for a while (i got PLENTY of quests to do other than that lot). If anyone has any ideas how to skip the checks or something please tell me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if this is an optin for you but there is a whole site dedicated to morrowind and werewolves. I haven't really looked into it but you can try


herehttp://werewolves.thelys.org/. I think they have recreated a lot and it seems like it would be fun. Hope you find what your looking for

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  • 5 years later...

raven! link's broken


OP! good news and bad news


Bad news :

it is now impossible to play the werewolf quests in the MQ unless you reload some kind of earlier save or something BUT! you can play the human side and still play as a werecreature more on that in the good news


Good news :

there is a mod on planet elderscrolls(the main one is werecroc! or werecrocs! the other 2 which are werecrocs! update and werecrocs! expansion are optional but much needed expansions but i dont think you can have both of those 2 but the first is required) that allows you TO PLAY AS A WERECROCODILE yes there are a bunch of werecreatures in the lore 1 of which is the werecrocodile it is found in the black marsh(which i dont think you can go to in any of the ES games except arena) basically the werecrocodile swims fast and does WAY more damage than a werewolf but it doesnt jump as high as a werewolf it isnt as stealthy either and it apparently isnt as fast(though it seemed pretty damn fast to me) so its a good replacement for werewolves the guys in skaal cannot detect werecrocs but its different from being a werewolf so you arnt aloud to do the werewolf quests unless you cure yourself(but you couldnt do those anyway now could you?)


so there you have it a nice alternative to werewolves that still allows you access to the human bloodmoon quests

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  • 1 year later...
I just became a master vampire & wondered if returning to a werewolf was possible because I wanted the achievement for it without starting a new character. Anyway I went home to solitude to drop off some goodies & check on my wife (Aela from the companions) When I spoke to her she offered me the option to return to my good old werewolf status. Bout to do it now. Don't know if you can talk to just any of the companion leaders but it definitely works by talking to Aela. Hopefully, it's not just because I'm married to her. Good luck ** Licks your face **
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  • 8 years later...

I just became a master vampire & wondered if returning to a werewolf was possible because I wanted the achievement for it without starting a new character. Anyway I went home to solitude to drop off some goodies & check on my wife (Aela from the companions) When I spoke to her she offered me the option to return to my good old werewolf status. Bout to do it now. Don't know if you can talk to just any of the companion leaders but it definitely works by talking to Aela. Hopefully, it's not just because I'm married to her. Good luck ** Licks your face *


Clarifying for any late visitors like myself (last comment here was posted nine years ago) that this is a thread about Morrowind lycanthropes, not Skyrim.

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