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How get rid of permaint huntersight?


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One of charaters is stuck with permaint huntersight. He was once a vampire, did the cure quest, now for some reason he still has huntersight and I can't git rid of it, make playing annoying. Help please.
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Use Console Commands to Remove Vampirism


Alternatively, you can use this set of commands to remove vampirism in Oblivion. This is sometimes required if there are glitches that do not allow the potion to remove the vampirism from you. Enter this set of Oblivion codes to fully remove vampirism.


set pcvampire to -1

player.setfactionrank playervampirefaction -1

player.removespell vampirism100

player.removespell vampirism75

player.removespell vampirism50

player.removespell vampirism25

player.removespell vampirism100att

player.removespell vampirism75att

player.removespell vampirism50att

player.removespell vampirism25att

player.removespell vampirism100skills

player.removespell vampirism75skills

player.removespell vampirism50skills

player.removespell vampirism25skills

player.removespell vampirehunterssight

player.removespell vampireembraceofshadows

player.removespell vampirereignofterror

player.removespell vampireseduction


If your vampirism isn't gone after that, I'm not sure what to tell you. Special thanks to Kjell Divartis for sending the specific codes.


Source: http://vgstrategies.about.com/od/oblivionc...vionVampiPC.htm

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