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Interesting NPCs - Game-breaking Bug + CTD


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since i can't talk about this on the freaking mod page or forum for 3DNPC (since they're both locked), i need some help either diagnosing the cause of these issues or finding workarounds.


Game-breaking Bug (Using Nether's Follower Framework and Convenient Horses)

when doing the Transformation quest with Terynne, entering Frost Peak Cave or otherwise causing Terynne to be in the same cell as the player will break a follower you have with NFF. followers are automatically dismissed from their slots. when you rehire them, if you mount your horse, they will do so normally, but as soon as they go off camera they will disappear and the horse remains motionless. you can get off your horse and summon your followers, but the issue persists if triggered.


CTD During A Quest

during the Way of the Nine quest related to Svashni, when i try to assist the Vigilant of Stendarr at Stendarr's Beacon, as soon as (what i assume is) the vampire attack begins to spawn, i have an immediate CTD. i cannot give myself the blessing of Stendarr via setstage. when looking around for solutions i saw others were having crashes in the southeasternmost area of the Rift, but more often near the burning shack Dro'bar is in, or by the dragon mound. this is JUST when the vampire attack gets triggered after asking for the Vigilant of Stendarr's blessing.

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