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Combining Requiem with Skyrim Redone's perk system?


Requiem with SkyRe's perks?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you personally feel about the existence of a merger between these two mods?

    • I think it's a great idea and would love such a combination!
    • I think it's a good idea, but you are doing it all wrong (explain)
    • I think it's a bad idea, and no one would ever even consider combining the two
    • I like one, and hate the other, and think this idea is an abomination
    • I just don't see how this could be possible, so it doesn't matter.

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Assume for the sake of this discussion, I can manage to get permission from the two modders behind this to upload something like this, what kind of input can you give on combining these two mods? My basic idea, is to replace Requiem's Perk system with Skyrim Redone's, yet leave pretty much everything else that does not reflect directly to the perk system intact. Keeping in mind since I am a very advent supporter of frostfall, and the survivalism tree is one of the main reasons I am doign this that this will be incorporated, if such a project starts.


I "crudely" slapped the two together with a few tiny edits, and my game didn't explode. lol I got the SkyRe perks, but most everything else looked requiem. I have yet to go into serious editing or play testing, because I want some input before continuing.

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Yes. Yes. Did I say yes?


Geef meh, I must haz it nao!


This sounds AWESOME, really. It's what I've been thinking about ever since I saw these two overhauls, and have even considered starting to mod just for THIS.

Is there a way to make requiem more modular towards magic mods such as apocalypse spell package? If not, is there at least a patch for it? SOMETHING!? I NEED MEH MAGIC


If this turns out into a real thing, I'm gonna be hyped off my shoes.






Edited by itsthecrazydude
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I voted no, but not because I thought it was retarded (like the only no option there is apparently) but because I think it would ruin balance a lot. It would be nice for both modders to come together and make a slightly requiemafied version of Skyre for my more casual moods. Requiem is great (for me), but only in the right mood. If I actually feel like advancing in the quest line, then not so much.


Edit, adding the frostfall perks to requiem would be effing awesome though. Though it would be hard to find a time where you have a spare perk for it..

Edited by RiConmar
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I so totally want this darn mod.

Also, what balance issues would there be? I mean, you could edit the perks themselves to fit requiem better, and then you'd have the ultimate thing

I am so hyped about this. If this ends up in the nexus downloadables I'm going to find a way to hack into the site and consistently give it endorsements.



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I don't think so IMO. Requiem is one of those things that, it alters everything together that makes it seem so darn awesome. It changes everything. However it also suffers a bit from the jack-of-all-trades problem: You can do so much, but you aren't the best in what you do. An example is the perk system, where SkyRe is better. The Food system as well, I prefer the one used by Realistic Needs and Diseases. Another thing is Dragons. I like the combination of Deadly Dragons + Dragon Combat Overhaul over Requiem's edits on dragons. These are "specialized" mods, focusing on one thing that they make that one thing better. Some of these may be made compatible with Requiem, but there's going to be sacrifices on either end AFAIK.


However, what's great about Requiem is how all of this plays together so well from beginning to end. It forces you to become a specialist in a certain skill, or you'll get burned. SkyRe is somewhat in between vanilla and Requiem where it makes you specialize in something, but it doesn't punish you as much as Requiem for your choices. Adding SkyRe's perk system to Requiem well, defeats the purpose of Requiem. That much perks, and the skills those perks grant, and all those perk points will make Requiem less punishing. Basically it's IMO going to be worse than current versions of both mods. It's either a less punishing/easier version of Requiem, or a less compatible (to other mods) version of SkyRe. Requiem is great because of how punishing it is. SkyRe is great because of it's modular nature making it extremely compatible with a LOT of mods compared to Requiem. You're basically removing those things from both.


If all you want is a more difficult game, but want SkyRe perks, use this:



Locational Damage



Realistic Needs and Diseases

Higher Level Enemies

Deadly Dragons

Dragon Combat Overhaul

Higher Level Enemies

Skyrim Medieval Economy/Trade and Barter set to Difficult/Cutthroat Merchants Very Hard

No Level Cap for Enemies

Improved Sneak Detection

Killing Traps

Traps Make Noise

Subliminal Traps

Immersive Patrols

Civil War Overhaul


They won't mesh together as good as Requiem though (some of those are incompatible AFAIK), but they'll provide an interesting experience.

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Thanks for the input guys! A few general response points;


I don't just want a "harder" skyre, I have played with skyre for a looong time and I know it very well and how to make it harder, but I have never found a mod that gives the combat and the survival that special feel that requiem has.


I would nerf a lot of SkyRe's perks to stop them from "blowing up" the balance.


This mix of the two would be much more compatible then requiem when it comes to somethings likes spells, and considering requiem makes magic almost useless the magic is one area of it I PERSONALLY won't miss being totally removed, while keeping the melee combat 99% intact. It will however, probably not be modular, since my test for the most part is just Using Requiem's ESP and SkyRe's Main ESP (plus survivalism)


I personally don't think that the users behind these mods would want to even bother with a patch between the two, for one it would be large amounts of effort they could just put into there own mod, and for two, if you've already put that much effort into an overhaul mod you probably don't want to help make a hybrid child between it and different overhaul.




The main purpose behind this would be to add in SkyRe's "toolbox" to requiem's hardcore atmosphere, while I would make the new perks take the kind of effort it takes in requiem to get them, do to SkyRe's massive variety you no longer HAVE to play a ranger type character, like Requiem pretty much forces you to do. In Requiem, if you don't have at least two of; Archery, Alchemy, Restoration - You have no hope. The idea behind this would be so that no matter what character you want to make, if you put enough effort into it you can make it work.


And while I say using SkyRes perk system, I really just mean using the perks themselves, but done in the same manner as requiems, so you start at 5 of everything, and have to scratch your way up to the useful perks. I will also likely make some edits to the very first perk in each skill so that it has more of the "if you have NO perks in that skill you can't use that skill at all" type thing.... I wish I knew how to add in Requiem's effect of giving spells when you get certain perks, but sadly that is one thing I am totally clueless on.




Anyways, today I plan on running some more "see how badly these two try and rip each other apart" tests, and if I get a crude patch working I may upload some videos! SO far it seems like getting these two to work together without exploding won't be that hard, balancing them out however, will take some time. I am very OCD, and a stickler for balance, so I hope that I'll be good enough to balance it myself! xP

Edited by ArtMurder
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This is a really great idea in theory and I wish you luck in your personal quest for SkyRequiemRedone and will be interested in seeing the results when/if you post them, but I don't ever see a version that's as well balanced as either of these are on their own (in very different ways obviously), nor do I see either author permitting such a thing after all the work they've poured into creating separate mods that, as it stands, are opposed to one another.


I just feel like you'd have to seriously nerf a lot of SkyRe's perks in order to keep Requiem's feel which just sorta defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

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This is a really great idea in theory and I wish you luck in your personal quest for SkyRequiemRedone and will be interested in seeing the results when/if you post them, but I don't ever see a version that's as well balanced as either of these are on their own (in very different ways obviously), nor do I see either author permitting such a thing after all the work they've poured into creating separate mods that, as it stands, are opposed to one another.


I just feel like you'd have to seriously nerf a lot of SkyRe's perks in order to keep Requiem's feel which just sorta defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

Well, the thing is when it comes to the perks, a lot of the more "interesting" ones would be safe I would mainly be nerfing perks that make major changes to your stats and such, like i know the heavy armor skill tree has some options that start to make you immune to certain types of weapons and magic, which is just very unrealistic and would clash with requiem a lot. But on the other hand, Ones that just ad interesting things for you to do really won't be touched at all, because the idea behind this is having options to survive, but never being able to have an edge over the world around you.


And if the modders behind these respective mods don't allow me to upload it, then I guess I"ll just have a one of a kind mod for me and my close friends. lol

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