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Combining Requiem with Skyrim Redone's perk system?


Requiem with SkyRe's perks?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you personally feel about the existence of a merger between these two mods?

    • I think it's a great idea and would love such a combination!
    • I think it's a good idea, but you are doing it all wrong (explain)
    • I think it's a bad idea, and no one would ever even consider combining the two
    • I like one, and hate the other, and think this idea is an abomination
    • I just don't see how this could be possible, so it doesn't matter.

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I see what you mean and I wish you luck. The biggest thing I disliked when I tried Requiem wasn't the difficulty (though I was terrible, i think I could adapt eventually if I stuck with it), but the lack of ability to specialize and make a character focused, say, only on one-handed, illusion, light armor and alteration a viable play choice. Even though I've never played a pure mage character, using SkyRe to power up Requiem's magic trees especially I think is a great idea.


Even if it's only a private thing, I hope you continue updating your results here.

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