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Static armor and tech in the OA rewards


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okay so, i am requesting a mod that puts some Static rewards in the rewards room in the outcast base. by the way we are talking about the Operation Anchorage DLC. somehow, it bugged me when i took everything in the reward room, and that outcast guy said that he's still busy cataloging all the tech, even if the room is empty! so can sumone make this? :thanks:
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  • 3 weeks later...
I could done it, but i don't get how to download dlc's for pc :S


you can buy it from live (like twilightblade said)

or if you're not willing to pay for it there're a lot of sites wich offer free downloads (torrents, wich are ofcourse illegal and could contain some virusses but you can find some without viruses, your choice although i'd recommend to just buy it, saves some time and reduces the risk and is respectfull to the creators of this, tho i dislike bethesda =()


anywayz would be nice if you could make it or if anyone else could because it botherd me too >.<

there're already these kind of mods out there but they aren't static so actually they give you a lil more extra rewards but you just have to kill the rest of the outcast for it... :mellow:


anyways support this 100% :biggrin:

:thanks: to anyone who considers this and the poster of this topic (kudos ftw :D)

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