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Stardew Valley

Refined Store/Simple Storage, like mod for SDV?


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So if you don't know, Minecraft has different styles of storage mods including ones that bring all of your storage together into a single place for easy access to crafting materials and such. I was wonder, does such a thing exist for SDV? if so what is it called because i'm having a hard time finding it on the site if it does in fact exist. If not, can this kind of thing even become a thing? I'd love to be able to place all of my storage into either a single block powered by electricity and held in a computer, or, use a computer to access storage chests i've placed down within a certain distance of the computer or maybe find some way to wire them up with custom wires to link them together. I have no clue if this is remotely possible. I do know that there is a remote fridge mod, so it clearly has some kind of way to exist because the kitchen allows for it. if anyones able to answer if this kind of thing exists or not yet, and if anyone is willing to make such a thing i'd greatly appreciate it.

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