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I have a problem with two mods,and textures. Please read.


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Hello everyone,

I wrote "please read" because I know that the title of my discussion is silly,but I don't have any idea about what is going on with my game.

I will try to explain the situation: I have installed a lot of mods on my Skyrim,and all of them always worked.

But the most important thing is: In these days I have installed two more mods...the HiAlgoBoost mod to increase my performance,and the ENB Series mod to increase my graphics.

Now there is a strange problem: When I have HiAlgo turned on (F10),if I move the visual with the mouse...game becomes pixelated (probably to increase performance),but I don't want that,because is ugly.

So I turned off HiAlgoBoost,and I noticed that there is another problem: When I set people on fire with the spells,strange black squares appears. (Notice that these squares doesn't appear if I have HiAlgo turned on).

I am not an expert when it comes to textures and stuff...so now I am asking you: How can I configure HiAlgoBoost so when I move the visual I don't see pixels?? Else,how do I fix the black squares?

Please forgive me for my bad english,and for the silly explanation of my problem.

If you need I can make some screenshots and post them.

Thank You for the help and Regards!

Edited by Enrix
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If you are playing on "Low" graphics, the black squares are placed where the High Definition textures were supposed to be.

Some screenshots would be appreciated to help root out the problem in detail, but a rough answer would be to kick your Graphics up to Medium or High, and then disable HiAlgo and see how it goes.


If the problem persists, disable the mod from the Vanilla Launcher and/or the Nexus Mod Manager and try again.

If this does not work ask the mod author.


I must admit, this is a compelling issue; and a rare one, at that.

Please message me if the mod author can not help and I'll have a closer look at the problem.

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