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Mr Burke and the Beggar


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I always wondered when Mr Burke left Megaton (with a bullethole in his brain) why they didn't sell his home to a new resident or a resident thazt's already there...

Something that's also on my mind all the time is that the beggars of FO3 don't do s***....

Well my proposal is a lil sidequest for the Knight in shining armor players( good karme i mean ) that there's an option to buy that home and give it to Micky,, the beggar of megaton or to another resident (maybe someone from the common house,, they do always say I hope they let me buy a house here someday.. do they?)

Or maybe even Gob, the ghoul slave,, he's always whining about finding his fortune and blablabla... So why not give it to him, ofc that would take a lot more work considering that the dialogues from his mom thing in underworld should be changed too...

Or just keep it for your self, this is one thing that will not ad much to the game i must admit but why the hell would they leave a good,, protected house empty...?

Anywayz, i know this must be a lot of work but it's just an idea, not an obligation :)


Regards BryanVDE


(excuse my spelling,, english isn't my native language.... and tnx alrdy who keeps this in mind & anyone who makes mods that enhance the reality of the game :P)

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