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help with ancient towers mod


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I just installed the Ancient Towers mod and I travelled on the yellow road across that bridge, but no guy. So I took a look at the whole readme and it said the camp was on the right side. I travelled both sides but no camp. I'm sure it is working but what should I do reinstall it or what?
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I searched for a realy long time to find his camp, on both sides. It's just one tent, and there's a few glowing stones next to it. Pretty hard to spot. But it's probably there.
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It's possible some other mod is overwriting some of that area. Be sure that the Ancient Towers mod is last, or near last in your load order. After you have completed the mini quest to find it, you may be able to move it up some. But if the towers themselves vanish, or you have floating things near them, look for a mod below them to be overwriting that cell with its own stuff.
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