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The Survivor 2299 mod. Can it be done?


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someone should make the survivor2299 mod. include all of the hints as dialog for certain characters. include all of the locations mentioned, quabbin, falls river etc, y'kno upload it to the nexus under the "new lands" category, for fallout 3 i guess since its closer to boston. then you gotta travel to vault 119, and kill the overseer in the vault, which is the creator of the fake tumblr page. he then tells you before you kill him that he didnt cause the heartache that you feel, and that the guy you need to take out is the survivor, living in vault 137. the last part of the mod is traveling to vault 137, going in there and he tells you that you shouldnt be mad but you should have just "enjoyed the ride" and f*#@ you because "you're a hater". then, you blow his f*#@ing brains out. i know the idea is kinda rushed, but i could come up with more intricate detail if someone was serious about this. iwould love to see this happen, especially after this fiasco. and more or less because I would love to use the conbat shotgun on this guys' face.

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The hoaxer was actually using thesurvivor2299 site as an advertisement/fanfiction for his fallout new vegas mod:




His reddit name is DCHoaxer and the story and place for the mod is based on the story told on the hoax site, which has changed to an enclave symbol and 'Spring 2014' possibly defining a release window:



Edited by TheGingerGuy
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