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Low-fantasy mod ideas


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So, just as a forewarning, I have no experience modding in any way, shape, or form.

However, as i've been compulsively collecting mods for my reinstall of Skyrim, it struck me as very odd that there haven't been any overhauls of the game that either change the setting to a historical period (Dark/Viking Age, Age of Rome, Classical era, medieval, etc.) or make the game more low-fantasy (Less ridiculous armors, weapons, clothing, more grittiness, etc.).

There are a very few mods that do some of these things, such as the viking armors and weapons mods. There's also the viking longship house, the viking longhouse, and even the Norman player race (Which includes a keep, norman armor and weapons, and even a short little questline). And all of these mods are great. But for me it feels like it's one small patch of awesomeness in a world of so much unfulfilled potential.

I mean, remember the Imperial Legion from Morrowind? They looked like Romans, and it fit! There's barely any influence left there. For the Nords, in their own land, there's very little actual norse influence. They have norse names, some of the architecture does show influences, and the ships I guess look similar to longships. But that's about it.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed vanilla Skyrim the first time I played through it. But high fantasy settings generally wear on my quickly. I get tired of the ridiculous armor and weapons and whatnot.

But I digress.

I was wondering if there were any mods that people might know about that might not necessarily be on The Nexus that make the game more low-fantasy or change the setting to a historical period? Not like in a small way, but in more of a total conversion/overhaul way.

Otherwise, it would be a great idea to do something like that. Some ideas:



1. Viking age (Maybe make a part of Saxon Wessex, Mercia, or Northumbria during the Viking invasions? Or even a late Viking age during the battle of Hastings? Normans vs. Saxons!). Either way, for a game like Skyrim, this would be perfect.
2. Roman era: Perhaps taking place in Gaul?

3. Medieval era: There were so many kingdoms and conflicts to choose from the ideas would be endless!
4. Feudal Japan: Samurai. 'Nuff said.
5. Classical era: The Trojan War?!





1. Any of the above settings, with the addition of magic and fantasy creatures. Many of these could take influence from the cultures/kingdoms/empires involved (Creatures from Greek/Roman mythology, Norse mythology, Japanese mythology, etc.)

The Witcher nailed low-fantasy perfectly. And I believe Skyrim could do something similar but be better for it as a far more open-ended world.

I don't know how to mod, but if anyone would be interested in any of these things, I would love to provide research, ideas, and even concept art!

I mean...Mount & Blade has a billion historical/low-fantasy mods for them. Maybe we could kidnap a few of those guys and get them to help?

Edited by Nekriist
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