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[LE] Fonction EvaluatePackages and RegisterForAnimationEvent


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Hello everyone,

There is a user, on another site, who sent me the following message:

"I'm very sorry but I can't give you simple instructions. Look at the aliases, especially Prisoner01 or the player. This is where you find the packages. You need to activate the packages using the EvaluatePackages function at the correct stage. You also need to use RegisterForAnimationEvent for decapitation at the correct stage."

Except that I don't understand what is "the function EvaluatePackages and RegisterForAnimationEvent".

Where are these 2 functions please?

Because if it can help me for my execution scene, I would like to use them.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

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Overcomplication is the biggest obstacle


Start simple

String ByeHead = Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Game.GetForm(0x14) as ObjectReference,"KillMove1HMDecap")

Thats it. But that in your Init or whatever function you are using. Your head lops right off


Packages and all that jazz. Is about the immersion. Immersion is good. But it needs to take a backseat till you grasp the basics


Now. After you see how easy decapping is. You then can dive into more steps. Like with NPCs, you might want to keep them from moving or running away. Running wont help them, but it might visually make the deed look awkward and wig out


So you can do this to address such annoyances


And so on. You mentioned that dependent version the other day. That one is like fast-forwarding to the most tricky types of scenes in the game. You might find you can avoid that approach completely. Or you may still want that one, but it seems you are quite new to this and have some basics you need to get under your belt

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Hello and thank you Sphered for your answer.

Only, as I am new to scripts and the creation kit, I have questions.

The first script you put me:

"String ByeHead = Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Game.GetForm(0x14) as ObjectReference,"KillMove1HMDecap")"

Is it to put in the "script" tab of my quest?

And if so, what property should I put on it?

And last question, your second script:





should I also use it for the decapitation scene?

Sorry for his maybe a bit stupid questions, but I'm a beginner.

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Those are basics. You definitely want to learn how to write a script before diving into complex capabilities


Example of an entire script

ScriptName DemoABC Extends Book

Event OnInit()
	 Utility.Wait(2.0); Waits two seconds before continuing. Optional
	 Debug.MessageBox("Lets go to... IDK how about Monument")
	 Utility.Wait(0.1); The 0.1 delay ensures the message pops before moving you
	 Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(Game.GetForm(0xDED8F) as ObjectReference)

Thats an entire script. You need to declare what it is at the top. From there. Do whatever you want like register for keys (SKSE) or anything you like to use or do


I extended Book. This means it this script, as is, will only work on Book Forms. Attach this to any book. Then load the game. You will port to Gjukar's Monument. If you attach this to say... an Actor. It wont do anything since you arent extending Actor. Pretty much all there is to it. You are telling the game what you wish to have it do for you

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