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Morrowind Code Patch + Steam wont work


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It all started with me trying to install MGSO 3.0 on Morrowind from Steam. All installed fine but when i wanted to launch the game, nothing happened and the loader freeze with the word ''play'' still in grey. Everytime i need to restart my computer to stop the '' loading but not working '' of Morrowind. Tried reinstalling Morrowind and MGSO a couple of times, nothing worked. Vanilla Morrowind works fine. With trials and errors, i found what I think is the problem: Morrowind Code Patch. I checked everywhere, and I know V2.1

should be compatible with Steam, even enabling the use of mods by changing dates of BSA and ESM. I'm not new to mods, and installed MGSO before on a 3 discs edtion without problems. Please help,

Edited by Elfizz
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Steam is compatible with MCP as I know many who has steam and installed MCP at official forums. It might be admin problem. Where is your steam and morrowind installed?


Just logging in as admin doesn't work. You have to give admin priviliges to the applications, if they are in Program Files.

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Steam is compatible with MCP as I know many who has steam and installed MCP at official forums. It might be admin problem. Where is your steam and morrowind installed?


Just logging in as admin doesn't work. You have to give admin priviliges to the applications, if they are in Program Files.

I installed the Steam directory outside of program files in a folder directly on "C". Morrowind is installed in "C/games/Steam/..../Common/Morrowind".

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How did you know MCP was the problem? Just curious. Did you use 'uninstall patch' option or just remove the MCP executable?


What does your Program Flow and Warnings files say?


Ok, so I tried again this morning and found out that installing the "plain" MCP , without enabling any options except the ones already enabled by default make it work. I can run Morrowind no problem. So I uninstalled it (via the MCP uninstall option) and vanilla MW still worked fine. Then i re-installed it with all extra options enabled, and then it didnt work. Cant uninstall it either.Here is what the MCP msg said:


Morrowind Code Patch 2.1
Welcome to the Morrowind Code Patch; fixing the unfixable.
crafted by Hrnchamd and Psyringe, in the year of 2013.
The patch is not yet installed.
To get started quickly, all recommended bugfixes are already selected. Hit the Apply chosen patches button. Check this message box to see if the patch worked, then you may start Morrowind.
There are optional gameplay modifications you may want to add such as the expanded map, tick the ones you want to add and hit install again to update the game.
Welcome to the Morrowind Code Patch; fixing the unfixable.
crafted by Hrnchamd and Psyringe, in the year of 2013.
The list shows your currently installed patches.
Apply chosen patches
Uninstall all
Select patches:
Patch description
Analyzing Morrowind.exe...
Backing up Morrowind.exe to Morrowind.Original.exe
Backing up Text.dll to Text.Original.dll
You have replaced your Text.dll. Checking for new patch...
Patching Century Gothic font for Polish language...
Patching code...
Writing patch...
Patch succeeded.
Patch failed to apply.
Redating BSAs...
BSAs are correctly dated.
Restoring original from backup...
Uninstall complete.
Uninstall failed.
Could not find Morrowind.exe. Make sure Morrowind Code Patch is installed in the same directory as Morrowind.
There was an error while accessing a file:
There is no compatible patch for your version of Morrowind.exe. Make sure your Morrowind is patched with the last Bloodmoon patch (v. MCP is not compatible with the Impulse or Gamefly download version due to the DRM wrapper around the game program. If you should have a compatible version, please check you have not installed other patches such as Exe Optimizer, 4GB patch or no-CD patches. Check the readme for more details.
There is no compatible patch for your version of Text.dll. Please use either the original Text.dll or the one included with General Fixes Mod v5.
Could not find a backup of Morrowind.exe.
Edited by Elfizz
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The message.txt is used by the MCP to display messages based on action. MCP doesn't leave any log. Only way to tell if patch is applied or failed is via MCP menu itself.


Since installing 'Default options' works, find out which option exactly causes problems by checking one by one and applying patch and report them at MCP thread at official forums. You are likely to get more help there. But still, my gut feeling is MCP is not the culprit, based on your symptoms. It might be a codec problem or may be DirectX problem.


P.S I see you already posted at the official forums. Reading what you wrote there, looks like anything modifying exe seems to make it not work. So, try disabling Steam Cloud Sync. Some people had trouble deleting save files and it solved once Cloud sync was disabled. So try that. You really don't need cloud sync for a 11 year old Single player game anyways.

Edited by hollaajith
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The message.txt is used by the MCP to display messages based on action. MCP doesn't leave any log. Only way to tell if patch is applied or failed is via MCP menu itself.


Since installing 'Default options' works, find out which option exactly causes problems by checking one by one and applying patch and report them at MCP thread at official forums. You are likely to get more help there. But still, my gut feeling is MCP is not the culprit, based on your symptoms. It might be a codec problem or may be DirectX problem.


P.S I see you already posted at the official forums. Reading what you wrote there, looks like anything modifying exe seems to make it not work. So, try disabling Steam Cloud Sync. Some people had trouble deleting save files and it solved once Cloud sync was disabled. So try that. You really don't need cloud sync for a 11 year old Single player game anyways.


Tried the disabling Cloud Sync, didnt work.

I'll try tommorrow with the ''one option at a time'' installing of MCP.

Meanwhile, here's my programflow and warning text. Just found out about the warning text, could this be the problem ?

Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2.
and now the Programflow text:
000000: Program Started
000000: Computer Name: Iz
000000: Creating Windows
000000: Begin loading of archive header and invalidation of archived files
000001: Finished with header loading and invalidation
000001: Initializing Main
000001: Video adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti (
000307: Creating Scene
000307: Loading Master/Plugin
000612: Done Loading Master/Plugin
000612: Done Creating Scene
000612: Done Initalizing Main
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Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2.

These are harmless. Its just saying you have more than one texture of that name. No worries there and I can't see anything obvious in ProgramFlow.txt.


I don't know then. As a last ditch effort try Running morrowind.exe as admin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having this same problem which seems to stem from MCP. I've tried running it offline and online. I also began the "one by one" approach with the extra options in MCP and found that ANY extra change besides the defaults in MCP causes the game launcher to freeze and become stuck in the Processes list of the Task Manager.


I'm not that adept at installing mods, but something is up, and I fail to understand what it is about the extra load options that would freeze/crash the game.

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