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A proper HEV MkV Hazard Suit


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Put simply, I want to bumble around in the Capital Wastes in Freeman's suit. It worked for him in City 17, so why not in Washington, DC?



Thing is, the only hazard suits I can find are half-baked power armor reskins, and simply won't do. They're not HEV suits.



If it's against Nexus' rules, I'll either make it myself and keep it privy, or request it somewhere else, as I don't want to break any rules here or get someone else to break them for me..but I'm sure a lot of members would appreciate a proper HEV suit.



For reference, the HEV suit is A-sexual(As demonstrated in Half Life 1), so no mesh modifications are needed to make it fit the opposite sex.

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what are you trying to say exactly? are you requesting it to be done, or announcing that you are gonig to do it?.....
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I would have put it someplace else if I were announcing I was going to do it. :\



Incase that doesn't clarify it enough, yes, it is a request.

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I think you mean 'unisex' not 'asexual'. ;D


But in all seriousness, please look through the forums, to make sure you are not requesting something that's already been requested... I tried myself awhile back here... but nothing ever came of it. I included some referances for the Mark IV, I'll put up some Mark V referances soon.


Good to see I'm not the only one out there who wants the HEV ^^


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