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Recursive and mostly frozen display


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Fresh install of SSE, after getting out of racemenu, I found my screen covered by what appears to be the frame it first saw, recursively displayed. If I go into a menu, the distortion will disappear for the time that I'm there, but once exiting out therefrom, the recursion appears one more - though with a new image being recused (again, likely the first frame it saw after exiting the menu). I know that I can still move around (minimap, sounds) and I can see some minor lighting from behind the distortion.


If anyone know what'd be causing this, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Modlist can be found here: https://pastebin.com/kqxXqfPE


Edit: I am noticing that the HUD/UI mods I have don't seem to be able to be edited within MCM. Perhaps related, or perhaps a fluke.

Edited by Eduji
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If that is your load order as well as your mod list, then I can see why you might have problems. I don't think that I have ever seen a bashed patch at the beginning of a load order (isn't it supposed to overwrite the mods it patches), or so many appearance mods loaded after character mods (I thought that they needed to be available in the LO before the mods that may require them). Are you using LOOT or a mod manager that includes LOOT to install your mods? Your mod list just looks really scrambled to me. I do not use many of the mods that you have, so I could be completely wrong.

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