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Custum armor request! ODST power armor


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I had an idea for some custom power armor that looks like ODST armor http://nikon.bungie.org/bwu/images/halo3s2_odst_photo_01_dp.jpg


that dosn't change agility or carisma but adds to agility and carisma and also comes with (or not) some type of trop pod that us can use with the armor in it (use the pod to fast travel but fall in the pod and leave when it hists the ground)(or not just a pod with armor in it would also be fine)




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yea no offense this probably will never get done, hell I have even made an armor set of master chief in blender and no one will help me put it in the game. So sorry I don't think you can get ODST armor, even though I would like it to, no one is willing to make it.

look on halo CE maps.org and find a model of the armor for yourself. thats as best of help I can be to you right now.

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