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recompile scripts bug?

Kevin Woodman

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I must have acidentally selected the recompile scripts option when working with a mod, before i realized it i'd done too much work to want to go back to a previous backup and start over. What happens is it gives a message for script not compiled for SIGN ROTATE and FLOAT. I believe these are just animation scripts and aren't critical but give you the annoying error messages when loading, I have enough of those already from all the other plugins i have.


I did find that if you open the TESCS and select only the morrowind master, then select recompile scripts, it will give you errors for these scripts. Is there a way to clean this up? I suppose i could put some effort into cut and paste renders to a new plugin and retype scripts and remake objects, but that's a lot of work, is there an easier way?


By the way does anyone know what that option is for anyway?


<(don't EVER press that button)> :grin:

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