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Problem with arena


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ok so i recently added a bunch of things from marts mod update patch to my oblivion game, everything in the game works fine i have loved to mod, although i tried to start arena matches on the new noncheat charcter i made and when i went into arena to begin my first match it let me enter then...


it would let me walk up to gates in the lil space between entrance door and arena gates, the anouncer dudes voice never comes on to make the cammand to open them so then i tried to leave the arena and it said i must first slay my opponent.

after it said this i got the idea to use the "tcl" cheat which lets u walk though walls/tree/ etc. i walked through the gate and over to my enemy and killed her. i then walked back to my door and tried leaving but it still said i must kill my opponent even thoug i already had. by this point i was :wallbash: so i tried loading up my other game that im the grand champion in, i selected to fight a few ogres and when i went up to fight, almost everything worked here, the gate close the anouncer dude voice worked, cept when the ogres gate dropped they began running towrd me but couldnt go past the point were the gate was before it was lowered, i used "tcl" again to get behind the invisible gate and kill them, after kill them it acknoledged they were dead and let me leave and then collect the reward.




if anybody has info on what may be rong please help :thanks:

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I installed it in this order

1. mart's mod.esm (masterfile)

2. more wilderness life.esp

3. looting NPC's & creatures.esp

4. increased spawn rate.esp

5. durability and damage.esp

6. diverse imperial armor.esp

7. diverse creature skins.esp

8. city defences.esp

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