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USS Constitution Bug After fly


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Good morning, first of all thanks for your help.

I finished the game a while ago and have been experimenting with mods for an upcoming start.

I just installed the mod "Heather Casdin a Unique companion" and while doing the mission "Walkthought to the Commomwealth" I arrived at the landing site of the USS Constitution (Next to Fanehui Hill) and found it embedded in the building; not perched on the roof. Although I can access the ship by taking the lift up, and by fast travel; Heather does not recognise that it is there. There are walls of the building that are supposed to be knocked down and the crew are missing (Ironsides is there and I can interact with him).

Has this happened to anyone else, possible solution?

Attached is a picture.

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Love this mod. Finished the USS Constitution quest a long time ago. It is now in the same location as what you report with the same issue. She does not recognize the USS Constitution at the old location or the new one. Oh well, can reach her affinity level without this item.

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