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trouble to getting married


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i have a trouble , i want to get married , i buy the amulet of mara and all of that

but when i offer at one of the person that i want , accept and all good,

but when im going to riften , the arrow only indicates to maramal and it passes 3 days and it stay like that

and nothing happened , what can i do??

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This is a common Issue.

While I don't believe there is no permanent fix, it can be fixed by finding your spouse to be, killing them (by console or just plain murder) and Resurrect them with the Developers console, then type "Setrelationshiprank player 4"


While i'd say no doubt Valkyrie is more experienced at this matter then me, try this method and see how it goes.

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If the method I previously stated does not work, there is a mod on the Nexus with an Option to clear your marriage records and reset said quest.

The mod "Become High King of Skyrim" has a feature to reset all Marriage related quests and it works just fine.

If you don't want to Install a mod to fix a vanilla issue, I'd suggest disabling Maramal.


IF you have already killed Maramal and have placed a copy of maramal, his AI is apparently reset, thus rendering Marriage impossible.

I have prior experience in this matter, so can you tell me who you're trying to marry, and what your marriage stage is.


To find it out type "sqv relationshipmarriage"

if I know the stage for your Marriage quest, I can try my hardest to fix it, If I can not guide you through it; send me your save via Email and I'll do it for you.

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Alright, I understand I ramble a lot in my posts so here is a step by step.


1) Kill your Potential Spouse (The person you proposed to)

2) Resurrect them (Click them using the console and type "Resurrect")


3) Get them to be your Lover again (They will hate you after killing them, so with them still targeted type "setrelationshiprank player 4")


If this does not work send me your save at [email protected] and I'll fix the issue for you.

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