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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.esque Anomalies and Artifacts


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Greetings friends!


I've been playing a lot of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. G.A.M.M.A lately and also a lot of Fallout 4,

and I was wondering if it were possible to make and add Anomalies, like a Vortex, Pulse, Blackhole, etc and Anomalies like a Compas, Mama's beads, etc


Here's a link to what Anomalies are and what kind of anomalies you have in STALKER https://stalker.fandom.com/wiki/Anomaly

And here's a link to what Artifacts are and what kind of Artifacts there are in STALKER https://stalker.fandom.com/wiki/Artifacts


Now you don't have to adhere to these lists, this is Fallout! get imaginative

But I think this would be fun for a survival playthrough to add, and it would be fun to collect and sell (or add to your armor for the benefits) these artifacts.


Anyways I'd love ot hear your thoughts and opinions on this


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