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Readable Books


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i have ideas for stories but never wrote any down yet =/


maybe you can find a novelized version of Mad Max or something, maybe the screenplay script and can put that in a book in the wasteland :)

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Just an info about your mod, will the text displayed in a messagebox?

Yeah they are just text boxes at this stage.


Could you please upload a screenshot of of it, so we see how and if this works?

More information would be really appreaciated.

I have attached a picture for you here. You have the option of reading the book again, or closing it. The next time you pick the book up you can read again, close or never read again. If you choose never, it really means NEVER! I might put in an option to reset all books.


Mad Max would be great! But could you keep it short and put lots of pictures in? Some of us have short attention.... hmm, forgot what I was saying.

Unfortunately I can't have pictures yet. Maybe in future releases if I can figure out how to display pictures I can do so.


Couple pictures



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Thanks Dragon. It's feels good when something comes together. Any other stories? I'm not the greatest story maker so that's why I'm asking. If anyone knows of some good sites with some Fallout based fan fiction, it would be helpful.
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Well basically all you need to do is attach the following script to a book! And you're good! If you use this script please let me know and credit me!



short doOnce
short button

BEGIN OnAdd Player

if doOnce == 0
	showMessage BookPage1
	showMessage BookPage2
	set doOnce to 1
	showMessage ReadAgain


BEGIN GameMode

if doOnce == 1
	set button to GetButtonPressed
	if button == 0
		showMessage BookPage1
		showMessage BookPage2



Replace the messages with your own and your good!

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