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Working TV


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I was thinking about some of the Fallout 3 trailers and how there is that working TV and I wondered if som,eone could make one with the Vault-tec and SuperDuper Mart commercials and more shows or commercials. It would be somewhot pointless but cool.
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I was just thinking about that, I wonder how they did it.

I'm going to do some investigating. Otherwise I'll just use my special effects program to edit their .bik file

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Guest deleted934561

there are working screens already in the game

like the monitor they use in vault 112 when you enter the pod

I think you can alter that and add things like 3 stooges, I love Lucy and if anyone is any good at it make a movie of fallout 1 game and use that as a tv show.

But the only problem is where would the tv signal be coming from?

maybe if you can get shows to appear on the tvs then make a quest to enter a tv station like NBC or CNN and that starts the shows going.


What would be very interesting is to figure out how they did it in Vampire bloodlines where ever there is a tv in the game you can noclip out of your haven and find the news guy in the same zone way off out of site I am sure the same mechanics could work here.

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I would love to see a bigscreen version of this. One that will play videos. It would need to be an ESM so it could be placed in other peoples housing mods.


Lets try to make this happen. If enough people would want to help, we could do this... Here are some starting points


- Quests to rebuild TV stations. Every station repaired adds a new channel.

- Stations to start with could be a Galaxy News TV station and a Enclave TV station. Both of these would require a lot of work to create Hosts for the shows and naimate them. More stations could be added by future mods.

- VCR - Could play movies on your computer

- 2 versions (normal TV, Bigscreen projection)

- New item ... Remote control - this would bring up an onscreen menu when used with options like any normal remote.




The GNR TV station would be a fun one. It would, however, require a tone of voice acting. The TV Host could give the same news updates as on the radio, but with added animation and pictures of the player in action. These pictures would have to generic shots. Screenshots (male and female) would need to be taken. The gender off the player would determine the shot shown. The shots would need to be B&W as though they are being taken by a sneaky little person that works for Galaxy News following the player around. Getting the screenshots would be time consuming. Imagine doing the quests in the game as male and female, and then also doing the good and bad routes. The show could have special guests like Reily, Elder Lyons, Doctor Li, and more. They could be split screen interviews like you see today.


There could be news coverage of the conflict between Skynet and the Resistance if you have the Terminator mod.


The sky is the limit with a TV mod. Cause you can add news coverage of all 3 DLC as well.


My idea of how to best get this off the ground....


Release 1

Working TVs, Video Player, and remote control to play videos on the gamers computer. This would also be an ESM so the items could be placed in housing mods.



Then after thats up and running bug free, we add the quests to repair the Galaxy News and Enclave TV Stations. creating the TV shows would then be a major feat. We would need to make hosts, Guests, animations, and do voice acting. Creating the TV shows would be the fun part.


I dont know the first thing about scripting and modding, but I am creative and could write the quests and TV shows.


Lets hear some of your ideas

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