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[SSE] Alchemy/Blacksmith Supply Shipments Mod Request


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I am hoping that this either exists or will give someone inspiration for a mod with this included. Essentially, I have found it incredibly tedious to get certain alchemy ingredients like fire salts without cheating/exploits. I am hopping someone can create a mod that allows you to pay a small fee upfront to an alchemist, who then will send you shipments of ingredients which you can tick through either a sky ui menu or dialogue interface, who will then send you weekly shipments through a courier. You could have multiple shops all sending you shipments through one courier, who will bring you the ingredients, and then you have give money to the courier for the supplies he is carrying. You could have individual dialogue prompts for each shop you have a shipment from, so if you don't need ingots or leather then you simply don't pay for it.

Perhaps you could also have it set up so the courier will send supplies directly to a supply box outside of a player home, which would be an easy way to add compatibility to modded/custom player homes, by making it so the player has to have a certain amount of gold in the box so the courier can take it out for payment.

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